Revenge is sweet

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I sprinted right through most of the chaos, moving too fast to be attacked. Kane had to be here somewhere. I could feel his dark presence around me, causing the fur on my neck to bristle.

I leaped over the wall and landed on a smaller dirt brown wolf. He crunched beneath my paws as I pressed him into the ground.
Where is your alpha.

The wolf whimpered and struggled for release as I pressed him harder into the earth.
Tell ne where your alpha is! I snarled,  letting the full weight of my command fall on him.

The pack house....the twins!

That bastard was going after my pups. A feirce growl ripped through my chest, causing the wolf under me to cry out in fear, as I twisted and launched myself back over the wall.

The entire town seemed to be dead as I raced down the main street. The only sign of life came from the howls and barks of the wolves fighting on the wall.

Without stopping I burst through the front door, splintering it open.

The thick iron scent of blood peirced my nose like an arrow. A blood smeared hand print stained the wall beside me, and a broken lamp littered the floor.

I'm too late.
Fey! Fey, where are you?

No reply came. The pack bond remained silent.


Silence met my call. The entire house was filled with dead silence.

Suddenly Fey's scream filled the air.
"Bane!" My claws scarred the wood floor as I launched myself up the stairs.

I broke through Fey and Eli's bedroom door to find a scene that fueled my rage. A man held down Fey in the bed with her own blood smeared across both of them. Deep claw marks slashed across her chest.

"Help me!" She cried, struggling to free herself. 

My teeth sank into the man's neck and his warm blood pooled in my mouth before I ripped open his neck. He fell to the floor lifeless, just as Fey's body sagged back into the bed.

I shifted and cradled her head in my hands. "No, no Fey. Wake up. Stay awake, Fey. You have to, for Dimitri." The blood from her chest was starting to pool in the bed. She wasnt going to last long enough for the doctor to get here. She was losing blood too fast. Her body wasnt even healing anymore. Her eyes fluttered as she looked up at me.

"Dimitri. .."

"Yes, Dimitri needs you to stay awake."

"No, Dimitri. .twins...he's going to find them."

I can't leave her to die alone...Fey's hand rested on mine. Tears trailed down her cheeks silently.

"Dont let my baby die, Bane. ..please."

Eli will never forgive me for this. Swallowing the ball in my throat, I laid Fey's head back against the pillow.

"Never let them forget how much I loved them." She whispered, closing her eyes. "No one will ever forget what you sacrificed." I said before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

My wolf vibrated with unbridled anger as I left the room. I've never felt such pure rage filling my entire being. Kane had caused enough destruction. He will not live to see the moon rise.

The shift took over me in an instant, and my wolf sniffed the air, preparing for the hunt.

I instantly picked up his thick stench and followed it back down stairs.

"Come out, come out little wolves." His voice sang, coming from the kitchen. The sound of my daughter crying out felt like glass piercing my ears. He yanked Eden out from under the cabinets and held her by the arm, dangling in the air.

Dimitri shot forward with Aden on his heels and punched him below the waist, causing him to drop Eden.

"You little shits!" He roared, pointing a gun towards them. A growl ripped through my throat as I launched myself over the kitchen. The gun turned towards me and went off.  A sharp pain peirced my shoulder as I landed on top of him. The gun slid across the floor, out of his reach.

He shifted under me, knocking us off balance. I landed on my injured shoulder with a sharp whine.
"Daddy!" Eden cried out. Dimitri wrapped a tight arm around her, keeping her safe.

Smart boy.

Kane's dark grey wolf launched himself at me like a rocket. Using his momentum,  I flipped him over me with my hind paws. His head broke through one of the wooden cabinet doors,  breaking it into splinters.  My teeth dug into his pelt, ripping open his shoulder before he escaped.

His lips pulled back in a snarl before he lunged for a  my neck. His teeth sank into my shoulder,  just below the bullet wound. His bullets must've been filled with wolfbane because it had yet to heal, and stung like a b#tch. The poison in it had begun to work. My vision blurred and my legs went weak as he shoved me to the ground.

I could see his eyes fill up with a twisted glee as he realized what was happening. He repositioned his teeth, aiming for my exposed throat.

A loud shot rang out and blood splattered against my face.

Kane's body fell limp beside me, with a hole the size of a quarter through his jaw.

Dimitri sat on the ground,  in front of the twins holding Kane's gun in his hands, still pointing it towards me.

My eyelids grew heavy and my paws felt like they were stuck in cement. The last thing I saw was the look of absolute fear in the eyes of my children.

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