Chapter 1

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~3 months later~

America's POV

I had been very successful in my music career since the selection. The media loved the idea of the second choice of Maxon Schreave singing about heartbreak. They just didn't know this was my way of getting closure.

They called me "Taylor Swift", a girl from a long time ago who wrote songs about people she dated that broke her heart. I couldn't deny it.

I already had one album out, and the whole country was eating it up. Nicoletta had told me one of my songs was on the top 100 billboard in Italy. My record label wanted me to go on tour, but in my condition, I couldn't.

I was now 3 months pregnant, and it showed. I liked to wear baggy clothes out in town to hide the bump. If any one found out I was pregnant, my reputation would be ruined. I would be a disgrace to all of Illea. I used to have really bad anxiety about going out in fear people would notice, and immediately know. And it didn't help that the pregnancy made me eat more, so I gained weight, which gave me even more anxiety. After a few weeks of that nonsense, Celeste had to remind me that I was only 3 weeks pregnant.

I finally calmed down but, it worked out better than I thought. The people thought it looked cool, and it started a trend. You would now see models on runways showing off their stylish baggy clothing. In stores, they sold America inspired outfits that-according to one famous fashion journalist- were a most have in every woman's closet. I was just happy that I kept my cover.

Today, me and Celeste were doing the last moving out of our apartment. After the selection, we decided to move in together. I didn't want to face my family after losing AND being pregnant. They know I'm pregnant because I told them a few weeks after coming home. My mom was disappointed in me, but she supports me. Still, it was too much to handle.

Me and Celeste had been racking in money for a while now, so we decided to buy ourselves a nice house. Celeste had stated about 3 weeks ago, "it's not fitting for a superstar model and singer to live in a dingy apartment." I had laughed, but I kinda wanted to move too. The water in the shower was sometimes cold.

The house we had chose to move into was really chic, and it was far away from the palace. My family's house-that He gave me-was still by there. I visited at least once every 2 weeks hut I never stayed for that long in fear of seeing him.

Yes, I still couldn't say his name after all this time. And in truth, the only reason why I hadn't fallen apart was because I had a child to take care of. There were somedays where i just sat in bed eating icecream, and weeping over him, then I had days where I was a social butterfly, and I was the life of the party. At some point, I thought there was something really wrong with me.

Right now, I was stopping at a store to get some last minute things for Celeste and I's new home. I was parking my new Ferrari into a park space. I turned the car off and put on my blond wig, and brown contacts. I had to disguise myself when I went out, or the citizens would attack me.

I didnt want anymore attention then I already had. I was born a five, and I've never been use to being the center of attention. I'm used to being in the background. I don't want to be the main actor, I want to be a supporting character. Wait, not even that, just a set worker. That's all I need. But alas, that doesn't happen. Great, another thing that's changed since his selection.

I got out the car and made my way to the entrance, but before I could walk in, someone grabbed my shoulder. I tense up and stop walking. Not again.

"Hands off." I say firmly.

"I know who you are. I'm not going to hurt you, just let me talk to you." The mysterious person whispers in my ear.

I put my hand in my purse, searching for my pepper spray. I keep it on hand now. It comes in handy when creeps come up to me.

"Get away from me." I growl in between my teeth.

"America!" The person growls and pulls me away. I struggle in it's grip.

I try bite the mystery person's hand, but they just grip harder. I think about screaming, but I don't know what this person will do. So I just let the mysterious person lead me behind the alley.

Once we get there and the grip loosens on me, I flip him over on the ground. Those self defense classes are really working. I can now see its a guy when I hear him grunt in a deep, manly voice. I'm about to kick him where the sun don't shine- I have a habit of aiming for that spot, hee hee- I gasp. It's the one and only August Illea.

I try to help him up, but he moves my hands away. "I'm a man, I can get up. Good moves though."

"Thanks, now get to the point. Why were you trying to abduct me?" I spat.

"Don't flatter yourself, I already told you before I wanted to talk." He states, crossing his arms.

"If you had something to say, why didn't you just say it over there?" I demand. I'm getting a little pissed now. I'm suppose to be in the store, getting supplies,  and he's stopping me for nothing.

"This is more serious than you think. More serious than shopping for some cheap crap."

"Ugh, for your information, Wal-Mart is AMAZING, and they have McDonalds."

"Okay, okay, just listen." August says breathing out air from his noes. Someone's not in a good mood.

"Well, I'm listening, spill." I look at him expectantly.

"I, guessing you already know that you're father was a former rebel, right?" I nod. I learned a lot of stuff when I went back to Carolina. My pregnancy, my dad being a rebel, it was like everything was being revealed that was under the wraps.

"How does this pertain to right now?" I question, wondering why he brought this up.

He looks around for a few seconds, looking a little hesitant to speak.  I roll my eyes and huff.

"Just say it August!" I yell, getting really frustrated.

"You're the true leader of the Northern Rebels!" He shouts with his hands raised In the air.


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