Chapter 21

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~Maxon's POV~

I stroll through the halls to the one person I really want to see right now. My newfound daughter, Angie. The irony of it, I was about to adopt her, but that would be impossible because she already was mine.

Of course, I'm still shocked, yes. But I'm also happier and more content. Taking care of Angie like a caregiver was one thing, but now that I know that I'm her dad, I want nothing more than to wrap my arms around her and give her endless kisses all over her face. And she would giggle and laugh, saying, "it tickles," and I would eventually stop and just hold her tight to my chest, nothing but full of love for my child.

Another thing I really wanted- no, YEARNED for- was for Angie to call me dad, or better yet daddy. The word sounds so simple, and any other person would be like whatever, but that means so much more to me.

I grew up as an only child in a family full of secrets and lies. There were really no happy moments in my childhood.  Even me as a child knew that family wasn't suppose to be like this. Yes, I  had a father, but I didn't have a dad. Father just means that that is your paternal parent, but dad means someone who loves you and takes care of you. Someone who can't bare to live without you.

I know right now, Angie just has a father. Heck, she doesn't even known who her actual father is, and I already feel bad about neglecting Angie and her mother, even though it was out of my hands. But, I want to change that, and I want to step fully into The dad role of the family. I want us to be the wholesome family that mine was never.

I finally make it to Angie's room and I hear giggling. I open the door a smidge and look in, being nosy. When I get a good look, I say  immediately break out into a huge grin when I see what is going on.

Angie is having a tea party with my mother- her grandmother, unbeknownst to the both of them- and they are wearing her fake tiaras and jewelry.

"More tea madame?" Angie asks with her cute hot pink plastic kettle in her hand, ready to pour more "tea."

"Why of course lady Angelina." My mom replies, holding out her plastic tea cup as Angie pours the invisible tea in the cup.

Mother pretends to take a sip, and drops her cup on the table, putting her left hand on her mouth. I chuckle a little.

"Oh dear, this tea is very hot! I almost burnt my lips off trying to drink this!" Angie giggles at mother's acting.

"You know there's actually nothing in your cup madame?" Angie states, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Mother gives her a weird look and scoffs.

"Angie, what are we going to do with you?" My mother ask as she gets up from the mini table and squeezes Angie from where she's sitting. That's when I decide to speak up.

"I have a few ideas." They both jump and turn towards me, a little frightened. Once mother realises it's me, she puts a hand to her chest and takes a deep breath.

"Dear lord Maxon, you almost gave me a heart attack!" She exclaims, and Angie laughs at my mother's dramatics. I walk into the room to where they were playing before they got interrupted by me.

"Oh, we wouldn't want that, would we now?" I say as I flick Angie's full cheek, smiling at her swatting away my hand and saying, "it tickles."

I turn towards mother where she is looking a me and Angie with a knowing smile. I look at her quizzically, debating something in my head.

Should I tell her? I know she always wanted grandchildren, and if it's Angie, I know it would make her even more happy. If I did tell her, she would just have to swear not to tell father, for fear of what he would do to Angie, better yet her mother. I make a quick descion,  and approach her. She gives me a questioning look. I leave the look unanswered, turning back to Angie.

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