Chapter 25

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Here you go guys, the chapter you've all been waiting for, enjoy!

~Maxon's POV~

Woah, was the only thing that came to mind when I saw my beautiful America step into the light of the alley. She was followed by a few men, Aspen in front of her, but all I saw was her. She hadn't aged a day, her red hair still as vibrant as the last time we were together. Her crystal blue eyes still tinted with mischief and curiosity, but a little more mature. I would have expected her to gain a little weight since she had a baby, but it looked like she had either worked it all off, or it had dropped to her hips. When people said there was such a thing as internal youth, I knew my America had all but proved that and more. She would always take my breath away every time I saw her.

Even though I was staring at her intensely, she just couldn't seem to look me in the eyes. She looked everywhere but at me, studying the ground below us like it was the most interesting thing she'd ever seen. I yearned to see thst smile she had reserved just for me, the lopsided one that could almost look like it was a smirk, but it wasn't. It was always genuine, and it always made me feel like I meant something to her. But alas, I knew things couldn't be the same anymore after everything that'd transpired.

Another thing that hit me as I was staring at America was how blind I was to not see the stunning resemblance between her and our daughter. Yes, Angie had my honey blonde hair, but she inherited those beautiful blue eyes that once- and still- captivated me so much. She had her rosey lips, her freckles, even the way they stood was similar. There was no denying they were mother and daughter. Gosh, how stupid am I?

"America." I say. It's not a question, and I'm not trying to get her attention, I just simply say her name, because I've missed the way her named rolled off my tongue so easily. I say her name because I'm still in shock that she's right in front of me, an arm's grasp away. So, close, but so out of reach at the same time.

Then, like it's almost a reflex, I reach my hand out, as if to touch her. I'm probably still in disbelief that she's actually here. To my dismay, she flinched away from me, like I might hurt her. I can't deny I haven't done it before.

Aspen moves in front of America, like he's suppose to be a wall that keeps the monster, which I guess is me, out. He clears his throat awkwardly.

And of course, like usual, the ex-boyfriend butts in when he is not needed or wanted, matter of fact. It takes everything in me not to growl at him. It didn't matter that he and Lucy were dating, because the way he ripped me and America's relationship apart is still fresh in my memory.

He crosses his arms, and gives me a serious look. "I think we have business to attend to," He states, and I nod along.

"Yes we do," I agree, "But this 'buisness' does not pertain to you, or anyone else except for America." I claim firmly. Aspen, and the other boys get quiet for a second before one man I don't recognize walks up. He has defined cheek bones, and you can see the outline of his abs by the way his black shirt was clinging to his body.

"Look, America doesn't have to talk to you if she doesn't want to." He tries to command me. Funny, since it should be the other way around.

I laugh, it being humorless. "Oh and since when did you start speaking for her?" I taunt, a smirk playing on my face.

"Since I'm her boyfriend." My smirk is instantly gone, and replaced with a hard frown. My eyebrows are furrowed and I can feel my body tense.

Boyfriend. The word is almost like venom to me. I couldn't deny that this had struck a nerve. Since when did America start dating again, and how come I was the last to know? My jaw clenched even tighter when I think about if Angie's even been calling this dude dad. That title is mine and only mine.

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