Chapter 13

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~Maxon's POV~

I'm in the garden with Angie, and she's wandering around picking up interesting rocks, so she can put them in her room. I had brought my camera around so I can take pictures of her and I. I had been meaning to do it anyway, and this was the perfect time.

We walk further in the garden, and I see a blossomed pink rose. I gently pluck it, and put it in Angie's blonde hair. She giggles, and I sigh, satisfied. Angelina was the perfect thing to cure my sadness. She made me laugh and smile. She made me strive to be a better person. For her.

I snap a photo of her touching the rose in her hair, while smiling at me. After taking it, I look at it, and instantly smile. She is the absolute meaning of adorable. I stand there for a second, looking through other pictures I took of her.

I giggled at a picture I had tooken on Saturday of her still asleep in her bed, drool going down the side of her face. I go to another picture of her using a piece of her hair to make a mustache, and her lips are puckered and exagerated. Finally I get to my favorite one. Me tickling Angie and she laughing uncontrollably, and I'm just smiling like an idiot. My mother had secretly tooken that picture and I was glad she captured that moment. And I loved all the other moments too.

Suddenly I feel a tug on the bottom, of my suit jacket. I look down to see Angie holding something green in her hands. I squat down, so I could get a better look.

"Look." She whispers, and I look in her cupped hands to see a little baby frog. I touch it with my hand a little bit and it suddenly hops out of Angie's hands, and onto me.

"Woah!" I yell, trying to dodge the frog, which makes me fall over. Angie, of course, laughs and picks up the frog, which is currently on my chest. I slowly sit up, staying on the ground. Angie decides to sit between my legs, laying against me chest. I wrap my arms around her, and put my chin on her head.

"Can I keep him?" She asks, staring at me with does beautiful blue eyes. Gosh, the parents of this child must be angels. Even though I dont like the idea of having a frog in the castle, I can't really say no to her.

"Sure Angie, but first what's his name?" I ask. She puts one of her hands under her chin and she looks in intense thought.

"His name is... MAXON!" She yells all of a sudden. I laugh, even though I am actually flattered that she would name her animal friend after me.

"Thanks my lil bug." I say, hugging her. She tenses up a little, making the frog jump out of her hands, and run somewhere in the garden. Angie is unphased though.

"What's wrong Angie?" I pry. She tenses up even more and climbs out my lap and hops on the bench next to us.

I hesitantly get up, and sit next to her on the bench. She sniffles a little, rubbing her noes. I feel my heart break, and doubt rushes in. She was crying. Was it something I said, or did I something to make her upset? I frantically try to find a reason of why she was sad.

"I miss my mommy." She wails, in between crys and hiccups. I sigh, in sadness. Of course she would miss her mother, how had I not thought of that?

I gently hug her, and I let her cry some more, and she finally speaks again after a long silence.

"My mommy calls me bug all the time. I want my mommy." She whispers. It breaks my heart to see her like this.

Of course, I was guessing her mother died, or Angie might have been separated from her. Now I feel really bad for calling her that. It just sounded right, so i went with it. I guess my instincts were wrong.

I squeeze her into a bone crushing hug, and kiss her forehead. She embraces me too, and she stops crying. Great, no more crying girls.

"I'm sorry I called you that Angie. Let me find a new nickname for you." I suggest, and she nods timidly. I sigh, and we go back to silence. Finally, Angie hops out of my hug, and stands up all of a sudden.

"I'm going to go to my room." She states. She doesn't even wait for an answer before leaving. I look at the way she ran away, bewildered. That was weird. I must of really made her feel awkward.

I slump on the bench and try to clear my mind. In the haste to see what was wrong with Angie, I had forgotten that we were sitting on OUR bench. I usually don't like when other people sit on this bench, but when Angie sat here, it just felt right. In fact, I was so sad to see her go.

What is this child, doing to me? But before I can answer that question, a blaring sound erupted from inside the palace. Rebels. My face quickly flashed towards where Angie had exited. Angie.

I try to go that way, so I can retrieve her, but the guards outside hold me back and push me to the way of a safe room.

"You're majesty, you have to C'mon, we can't afford to lose you." The guard states to me. I sigh, knowing he's right, and I run with them.

Please let her be okay.


~Third Person~

Angie rushed out of the garden, knowing this would be the only time in a while that she would have a chance to get the books.

Uncle Aspen had already warned her there would be a northern rebel attack at this time, which would give her a perfect time to get the books.

Instead of going to her room like she told Maxon she would, she ran towards his office, counting the seconds, before she heard the rebel alarm blare off. Before any guards see her, and try to take her to a safe room, she hides in a little crook so she can see what's going on, but they can't see her.

Like expected, all the guards rushed downstairs where most of the commotion would be, and Angie sat there grinning, knowing this was it. Her chance to get back home.

When the cost is clear, Angie hops out of her little cranny, and runs to the King's office, but making sure her feet don't pound down on the floor. She makes it pver to his door and giggles. She tries to open it, bu of course it's locked. She groans loudly, then puts her hand in her hair to take out one of her endless Bobbi pins in her head.

She works the pin into the locked chamber, fiddling in the inside, until she hears a click, and she opens the door.

She walks inside stealthy, looking around for any signs of disruption. She looks around the big, dark office, and shudders. No wonder no ones allowed in the king's office.

Whips hang all across the opposite wall, from skinniest to fattest. Below that is a deep burgundy sofa chair, that would look comfy and welcoming at first, until the king's eyes were boring into you with such hatred and insanity, from his desk which was across from the chair.

Behind the chair was a small bookcase full of torn and tattered books and above that- the most scariest of all- a picture of a slightly younger King Clarkson, and a child like Prince Maxon. Now it would have been a fine picture, if it wasn't for their faces. Maxon had the look of pain and guilt, whilst Clarkson was looking down on his son with an inferior expression.

Angie went behind the huge mahogany desk and moved the draped curtain behind it, knowing what was really behind it. She found herself in front of a metal door, with a whole lot of complicated locks that her hair pin could never unlock. She reluctantly plush the curtains in their rightful positions, and walked out as quick as she walked in.

When she got back out the office, she looked around and saw no sign of life. She looked at herself no a nearby mirror, making sure she didn't look too untouched. She ripped the side of her really pretty dress and tussledher hair some more, taking out the remaining Bobbi pins. When she was satisfied with her look, she rushed downstairs where everyone else was probably looking for her.

Now to make up a cover story.

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