Chapter 14

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America's POV

I wake up from my peaceful slumber, happy and rested. I envelope myself in the warm covers, scooting closer to his hard chest, snuggling in more so I can smell his intoxicating scent. I smile contently when he wraps his muscular arms a doing my small frame.

He looks up and I see Ashton's sexy fa-
Wait a second? Ashton? What are we doing in bed together? HOW did we get in here's the better question.

I instantly hop out of the bed and fall onto the floor. Ashton gets out of his sleepy stupor, and looks at me, finally realising what has happened. He screams, floping out the bed too, making a big thud on the floor.

I look down and see myself exposed, and I wrap my arms around myself blushing red with embarrasment. I reach over to the bed, tugging off some of the covers, and wrap it around my naked body. I stand up and walk the farthest away from Ashton as I can be, but still in the room.

"What did we do?" I scream loudly and demanding. He groans getting up and standing, not realising he's all exposed. I turn around swiftly and face the door.

"You're naked Ashton, so cover yourself! Now explain what happened?" I hear a rambling behind me- probably Ashton covering himself.

"I don't know what happened. All I remember is us going to a club and that's about it." He explains.

"I know what happened then, but I want to know what happened after that." I say as I turn back around. I look down to find articles of our clothes scattered across the floor, and a gasp leaves my mouth.

"I think we did "it." I state, trembling as I say it. He snorts, which turns my fear into anger. How dare he laugh at such a serious moment.

"No dip sherlock. So we did the deed? What does it matter." He bends down and starts grabbing his clothes off the floor. I stomping front of him, so he can clearly see the fury in my face.

"What matters Ashton, is that we had sex, and you and I don't remember if we used protection you idiot." I yell shoving him as hard as I can. He stumbles back, and looks at me mad too.

"Hey, it takes two to tangle sweetie. You were as much of apart of this as me."

"I WAS DRUNK!" I exclaim, putting up my hands dramatically. He laughs touching my elbow. I smack it off hard.

"Did you forget, I was drunk too Ames. Not everything's my fault." He states, and heads to his bathroom. I yelling frustration, and fall on the bed hard. I close my eyes and have a really hard think.

This was such a huge mistake that I couldn't afford. I had a reputation to uphold. What if I popped up pregnant? What would I say? What would I do? I can't screw up for the second time in a row. Oh my lord, I'm such a failure. Why couldn't have I even took my birth control pill for once. I slam my hand on my head. You are such a doofus.

"Wait! America, come over here." I get up begrudgingly, trudging to the bathroom.

Ashton is there, smiling like the Cheshire Cat. He's holding up a ripped packet of something. I stand confuzzled. What is he doing.

"Look." He said pointing at the thing. "We're in the clear. We used a condom." I let go of a breath I didn't known I was holding.

"Thank the lord!" I shout loudly, and Ashton laughs. After my tiny moment of relief, I looked back at him angered.

"No, Ashton! Condoms can break easily!" I scream at him. He thinks about it for a second before he breaks out into a panic.

"Oh my god! What am I going to do? I could've possibly just gotten my boss pregnant..." He starts pacing back and forth, his hair flopping in front of his face. I start to bite my nails, my foot tapping rapidly. I think of anything, anything that could possibly get me around this.

Oh my gosh, why couldn't I have taken that dang pill-

Wait! Wait, wait wait!" I exclaim smiling brightly. Ashton looks dumbfounded.

"What is it?" He asks hopeful.

"You need to go to the store." I state, grinning a 100 watt smile. He still doesn't get it.

"America, this is not the time to go and get some potato chips-"

"No." I walk up to him putting my finger on his mouth. "You need to go to the drug store, and get me the day after pill." And in a second, his face lightens up, and before I knew it, he was rushing out the door.

"See ya!" He says, before slamming the door behind him.

I laugh a little at him, then make my way back in his bedroom, getting my clothes off the floor and putting them back on.

Now, to explain to the crew where I was all last night. Yay.


I was in my house, sitting on the couch, waiting for a knock on the door. Ashton was suppose to come to the door, and give me the pill. I would take it, and we would try to forget this mere accident. Yes, it would be a little awkward between us, but not as bad as the ridicule I would get for getting pregnant a second time.

Finally, I hear a knock on my door, and I rush to it, opening it frantically. I poke my head through the door, and am relieved to see Ashton outside my door.

I widen the opening in the door, letting him in, but looking out to see if anybody sees. Once inside, I look back at Ashton.

"You got the stuff?" I whisper secretly. Ashton rolls his eyes.

"You know we're in your literal house. Nobody will hear-"

"Shh! Now tell me if you got it!?" I whisper again, cutting him off. He huffs, grabs something out of his pocket, and hand me the bottle full of pills. I snatch it from him immediately.

"I'm so happy right now I could kiss you all over the place!" I scream hugging him tightly. He stands awkwardly.

"Yeah, let's not do that, knowing what happened last time an idea like that popped into your head." I laugh humorously, and entangle myself from Ashton, and shoo him out of my house.

"Wait, why can't I stay just for a litt-" I shove him even more towards the door.

"Sorry, visiting hours for the America Singer house are over. Come back tomorrow- or better yet, never!

"WHAT! AME-" I push him roughly out the door.

"BE GONE, THOT!" I shout before slamming the door in his face.

After that childish move, I race to the bathroom, so i can be rid of this growing issue.

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