Chapter 18

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Hi guys! It's me, and I want to adress some stuff before we start this installment. First of all, you guys all need to drag me in the comments, for not updating. Ive been really lazy lately, but that's not an excuse. Also, HUGE DISCLAIMER: THIS BOOK IS AND WILL END IN MAXERICA! By the end of this chapter, you'll understand what I'm talking about. Just giving you a heads up. Now please, vote, comment and enjoy!

~America's POV~

Georgia and Marlee pull me along the endless long halls of the rebel compound. I giggle, letting them do it willingly. Wouldn't hurt to play around that much. They take sharp turns around corners, almost making me bump into corners, but there hasn't been any accidents so far.

"Where are you guys taking me, and be careful, you're going to-" Before I can even finish the sentence, I crash into the wall. I literally peel myself off the wall, now angry. They giggle hesitantly.

"What the frickin Frack was that!?" I ask fuming, but I still manage to keep it clean. Celeste bust out laughing at me.

"Girl, you should here yourself! You're to innocent for your own good!" She was now doubled over, in uncontrollable laughter. Georgia and I both roll her eyes at her. Georgia grabs her off the ground.

"Child, that wasn't even that funny, now let's get back to what we were doing I the first place." Georgia exclaims. I fold my arms, and look at them suspicious.

"What are y'all trying to do in the first place anyway?" And like that, they both look at eachother simultaneously, grab both of my arms, and drag me down the hall. I struggle in their arms playfully.

"I'm not going down without a fight." Celeste snorts.

"Girl, you already have." I scoff obnoxiously, and turn my head in disgust. Celeste ignores me, and keeps dragging me.

They go all the way to the board meeting room, and I give them an eyebrow quirk. What is this, an emergency meeting.

Georgia opens the door, and they pull me in, to see were not the only ones here.

August is currently dragging Ashton in here too through the other entrance. I put my head in my hand, already knowing where this is going.

I looked towards Georgia with an accusing look, which she just looks down and bit her lip.

She told. I thought. She told, and I specifically said keep it a secret. I know I should be angry, but right then, I didn't know what to feel.

Ashton finally meets my eyes, and his cheeks immediately turn crimson red, and I can already feel my cheeks getting warm too. I swear, what the heck is wrong with me?

"Uh- guys, what I this?" Ashton asks, his eyes finally ripping away from me. August goes back to the way they entered, and locks the door. Georgia, does the same too with the other door. Celeste hops on the meeting table, crossing her legs, giving us a smug smile.

"We're here, cause you two," Celeste points toward me and Ashton, "have extreme sexual tension and y'all are not deal in with it."

I sputter, before I speak, mouth gaping.

"What? That doesn't make any sense? Me and Ashton are good friends, right?!" I look towards him, and he immediately looks down, messing with his hair. I huff at him. He's not helping our case.

"Okay, so you guys smashed, and you had to feel some sort of way to tell August and Georgia." Celeste states,  and Ashton immediately turns toward August in disbelief.

"You told man!? You said you wouldn't say a word! You promised!" Ashton spats, upset, and red as a tomato. Looks like Georgia wasn't the only one with loose lips.

August diverts the claims though.

"That doesn't matter right now! What matters is you guys need to find a way to work out whatever relationship you have going on now."

Georgia walks to the door, followed by Celeste and August. Georgia turns back toward us.

"That's why were locking you two in here until you figure some sort of way to figure this out." And be for I know it, they've locked the door, and left.

We stand in the room, thick with silence and awkwardness, for what seems like hours. We don't dare look at eachother, for fear that we might meet eyes again.

I study the ground for the longest, like it's the most interesting thing in the world. I twiddle with my hair for some time, then get tired. C'mon America, stop being such a wimp, and talk to him.

And something stirs inside of me, enough to make me walk over to him a smug look on my face. Before I can even think, the words have already left my mouth.

"So, I'm that good that you had to tell August how much you enjoyed me and want more." He scoffs and laughs, messing up my hair with his hand. I swat at it, laughing a little.

"Oh please, by the way you were yelling my name, you would think you've nerve been-"

"ASHTON MARIE MARSHALL, I DID NOT MOAN YOUR NAME!" I slug him in the shoulder. He rolls his eyes.

"Oh, how are you suppose to remember, you were drunk?"

"You were drunk too!"

"Yeah, we were..." We go back to silence. Ashton finally looks back at me, serious this time.

"America, I'm being real right now, for us to actually..." He doesn't actually say it, but I don't blame him. It sounds so weird to say.

"Wouldn't we have to have some sort of, I don't know attraction?" He says it uneasily, then starts to blush, looking away from me.

"You know what, forget I said that, I'm just acting stupid. Of course you don't-" I cut him off, reaching on my tippy toes to kiss him on the lips. I instantly stop after I had realised what I had done. Ashton looks shocked too.

I walk over to the table, sitting down, trying to think. What is up with me. Do I really like Ashton? I mean, I Linda did want to kiss him, and yes, there is kinda this connection we have.

I feel someone sit next to me, and I know it's Ashton. Not becuase he's the only other person in he room, but because I would know that husky cologne anywhere.

"What was that?" He asks quietly.

"I don't know, I honestly don't know." I reply.

"But," I say kinda surprising myself when I lean my head on his shoulder. His arms immediately wrap into me, and I snuggle into him, enjoying his warmth

"I kinda, dont want to figure it out."

"I'm not complaining."

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