Chapter 17

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Hey guys! Here's the chapter you've all been waiting for. Enjoy, and please vote and comment.

~Maxon's POV~

I was rushing to the hospital wing, not caring who or what I bumped through. My mind was only on Angie, and her wellbeing. I swear, if that little girl was hurt, I would never forgive myself.

I bust through the doors of the hospital, running straight to Dr. Ashler. I kinda tumble him over a little bit. I help him up, but that doesn't phase me from the problem at hand. Angie.

"Is she alright!? What happened!?" I exclaim frantically. Dr. Ashler puts his arms in front of him, giving me a look that says, Maxon, chill.

I do chill out but only for a second, because another doctor comes strolling by, whispering in Dr. Ashler's ear, but not soft enough.

"We have Angelina's blood samples and were ready for you to test them." She says, in a hushed voice. My eyes almost shoot put of there sockets.

"Why would she need blood taken?! I demand you to tell me right now!" I yell, and Doctor Ashler is surprisingly calm, putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off, and stare him down more. He shakes his head at me, and gives me a reassuring look.

"She's fine, your highness. Other than a stomach bug, there's nothing wrong." He says, and my shoulders instantly relax from there tense position. Thank the lord.

"Can I see her still?" I ask. Even though they told me she was fine, I want to see for myself. I don't know what it is. It's so weird. The feeling to protect her is so strong in me, but I don't even know where it came from.

I laugh at myself. Gosh Maxon, you're turning into a mama bear. But is it bad that there's once again something I care about beyond words? I sigh.

I did have that. With my precious America. I don't care what anyone says, she still mine in my heart, and it will always be like that as long as I live.

The nurse then leads me to her room, and we pass dozens of rooms before we get there. I walk in, and instantly suck in my breath. Angie's face is very pale-Well paler than usual- and they have a towel on her forehead. Her dirty blonde hair is sprung out all over the pillow she's laying on. A nurse is there attending to her, checking her temperature.

She pulls the thermometer out of Angie's mouth, and her face becomes distressed. She she looks toward the other nurse who brought me here.

"She's growing a fever." The on nurse states. The other nurse gets a clipboard and writes something down and hands it to a currently walking maid down the hall.

"Go to the pharmacy and get this prescription," She turns toward the nurse in the room, "You go and get more covers. If we bundle her up enough, we can break the fever." And with that, they both rush out the door, leaving me and Angie alone in the room.

I walk towards her hospital bed, and sit in the chair next to the bed. I take her hand with one hand, and caresses her cheek with the other. I try not to react at how hot her cheek is. I pull away reluctantly. Luckily, she doesn't wake up.

Surprisingly, she is sleeping very peacefully while all of this is going on. I sit there for a while, just watching her chest rise and fall while she sleeps. And in that time, I seemingly fall asleep too.


I am suddenly woken up by a hard shake to the shoulder. Once I get out of my sleepy daze, I look up to see Dr. Ashler looking down on me with a confused and troubled look.

"Your higness, we need to talk." He states simply, but I can tell what he just said is the least from simple. I give him a quirk of my eyebrow, wondering what could be so serious that it has the great Dr. Ashler worried.

"Yes, what is it Dr?" I ask calmy. He glances toward Angie then back towards me.

"We might need to discuss these matters elsewhere." He says the last part in a low whisper, his face becoming ,ore contorted with worry. My heart starts to quicken because I realise. This is serious.

I release my hand from Angie's, already missing the warmth of her and follow Dr. Ashler out the room. I follow him down a few halls till we get to his office. He lets me in after him, closing the door and locking it afterwards. He then goes to the windows, and close the blinds, making the room more darker. He legit has me biting my nails to hear what he has to say.

"I should've known. I should've known. When I first saw that blonde hair..." he trails off, pacing all over the place. He suddenly turns toward me, his face very distressed.

I've never in my whole life seen him act like this. Never have I heard of Dr. Ashler panicking. Even when someone's on their very death bed.

"Let's drop all formalities Maxon. We have a very serious problem on hand." He explains, raking his shaking hand through his hair. I almost run into a full panic, and I start rambling.

"What's wrong with Angie?! Does she have cancer or something?! You guys can cure it, right!?" I exclaim my heart pace quickening even more.

"No no! Nothing like that! There is nothing physically wrong with her." I instantly let out a breath I was holding. "This concerns a lot more with you."

I nod my head for him to continue. He takes a big breath, and starts to explain.

"So, like I had said before, I took some blood tests," he pause for dramatic effect. "When I took them, I noticed something peculiar." I nod, still not knowing where this is going.

"Now, I know you're asking yourself right now, 'what is he trying to say?' Well, I took a few more tests, and compared it with another blood sample, and they matched like a paternal parent would with a child." He gives me a nervous glance before he takes a big breath.

"It was one of your blood samples." He says, his voice quaking. I look at him, confused. Why is freaking out over this?

"Sorry, but I do not understand. Isn't it normal for people to have the same blood types?" He shakes his head fiercely.

"That is a common misconception, and that is only the chip of the iceberg. Parents and children do not have the same blood types. We checked, then rechecked- how many times, I don't know-but the results were inclusive."

"Okay, but what are you trying to say?" I ask, still confused. He walks toward me, and puts a firm hand on my shoulder. He looks at me with nothing but concern on my face.

"Maxon, If we are going by the blood tests, you would be classified as her paternal parent. YOU are her father."

I stand there, dazed and stunned, looking at nothing in particular as this sinks in.

"Now, we can do a regular paternity test..." Before he can finish I've already collapsed on the floor, blacked out.

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