Chapter 33

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AN: hey guys! It's been a while since we've talked like this, reader to author, and I'm not gonna lie, I kinda missed it. As you all know and must've hated, I took a VERY LONG hiatus from this book, but It was needed. I was starting to get uninspired and if I kept on making chapters I didn't feel confident in, I feel like it would've really brought down this story's quality. But, thankyou for your nice comments and you're support through that time, because it really helped me right the last chapter, and I'm officially ready to get back to work on this book. Also, we can't forget, Y'ALL GOT THIS BOOK TO OVER 20K VIEWS! Oh my gosh, it's so hard to believe that over 20,000 people have tuned in to read little ol' me's fanfiction, not even an actual book! So, I just need to say thankyou to everyone one of you for pushing this book and making it so successful. I love you guys SO much and I don't know where I would be without you. Now, on with the story!

~Maxon's POV~

Sadness. Like a sick, twisted drug that someone forced me to take, has consumed my being. It holds me down, chains me to my bed, so I cannot get up and face the day. The light outside from the sun, too happy and innocent, hurts my eyes so my face is pressed into my pillow. The only way to get rid of the depressing thoughts in my head and my awful reality is by sleeping, and going into an alternative world, where everything is better. So that's what I've been doing.

I dream I have two loving parents, supporting me on my way to become King of our prospering country. I dream I have not just one, but several amazing children that make me smile every time I'm with them. And a wife. A beautiful, dazzling, charming, wife. That's when the dream usually turns into a nightmare and I sadly wake up. The one person I'm trying to escape in real life has crept into my supposed 'perfect' reality. And it's just not fair.

It's not fair that I keep falling for her. That when I do fall for her, she proceeds to break my heart again. And like a fool, every damn time she comes back around, she lures me back into a hopelessly in love state, which makes it all the worse when she destroys my hopes and dreams of being with her in a second.

So, I sit in my bed and go through this same routine over and over again. Sleep, wake up from the dream turned nightmare, then go back to sleep because I can't get rid of my racing mind's thoughts.

Oh, and believe me, I would kill for some alcohol right now. To just drink away the pain and just feel nothing but numbness for once to break me out of my misery. Even if it only lasts for a few seconds. But, the one thing holding me back is the feeling of having an 1000 pound weight on my chest which makes it impossible to leave my bed. I've lost count of how many days I've been here. The hours just blur into one long, continuous time of sleeping off the pain.

A knock at my door makes me groan in complaint, but my face doesn't leave my pillow and my voice doesn't yell to leave me alone. That's too energy comsuming. After a few moments the knock becomes more persistent and louder. I growl in annoyance, and grab another pillow from my bed and press it to the back of my head, trying to cancel out the noise.

"Maxon, I know you hear me, so open up!" The dainty and regal, but firm voice that flows from the other side of the door confirms that it is indeed my mother. But it doesn't matter. She can yell all she wants, but I'm not letting her in. I want to be alone.

"You can't stay cooped up in your room forever." I reward her with no response.

"Sweetheart, could you please at least tell me what happened?" I say nothing again. There's a long few seconds of quiet before I hear a sad sigh.

"I guess you really don't want to talk about it. But please Maxon, at least show up to dinner. We're all very worried about you." That almost gets a snort out of me. No one cares about me. No one has ever cared for me, or is it just that the one person I've always wanted to care for me has shown me time and time again that she doesn't?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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