Chapter 19

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~Maxon's POV~

"Where is he?!" I shout down the guards' quarters. No one answers, they just look at me, frightened. I don't have time for this foolishness. I have buisness I need to get to.

"Answer me! WHERE IS HE!?" I shout, making some of the guards jump. One of them have enough courage to walk up to me and respond.

"Um, your highness, who are you wanting to see?" He asks hesitantly. I roll my eyes, annoyed even more.

"Leger, Aspen Leger. Where is that little trick?" I spat.

The guard points Down the hall where a little bar is set up for them. I stomp over there, getting madder at the second, until I spot him. I have to keep myself from growling, as I see him with a beer, sitting on the bar stool and talking to some other guards.

I march over there in a quick second, grabbing him by the collar, and yanking him up from his seat. He seems shocked and irritated, like any other person would be.

"Your Higness, what are you doing?!" His question comes out a little sloppy, and that's when I know he's drunk. For some reason, this makes me even more pissed off.

"Come with me." I deliberately don't answer his question just this yet, because i don't want secret information being told to the whole guard department.

I drag him with me, still yanking his collar, to my office. He lets me do it willingly, and when we get in the office, I slam the door shut and lock it.

I shove him to the other end of the room, towards the chair in facing my desk. He hesitantly sits. He looks very confused.

"Um, May I ask what is going on?"

"QUIET!" I yell, while slamming my hand on the table, "I'm the only one that's going to be asking questions. " I pull out my desk chair and sit down.

"Now, TALK."

He instantly sobers up, and it would've been funny if I wasn't so mad. Now, he's attentive and looks a little nervous.

"You heard me. Talk!" I shout once more. I can see the sweat now, dripping off his forhead. His green eyes darting everywhere but to my eyes.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Oh, you know what I mean!"

"No, I don't. Maybe if you would tell me what you're talking about, I could give you information that you 'think' I have." I sit forwards in my chair, elbows on the desk, and my hands balled up in front of my face.

"One word. Angie." Just saying her name gets him to start squirming. So my suspicion is right.

"I-I don't know what you're trying to imply."

"Don't lie to me, I know you do."

"No, your highness, I really don't." I hop out of my seat, even more frustrsted.

"As a guard here at the palace, you made an oath to the Schreave family line, that however long you shall live, you will be forever loyal to the crown. Lying to the crown prince- THE future king of Illea- Is punishable by death." I sit back down.

"You wanna rethink that answer." He gulps, taking a few seconds before answering.

"Okay, I confess. I knew Angie was, she was-"

"My secret daughter that no one felt the need to tell me about until now." I state bitterly.  His mouth gapes open for a second before he continues.

"- Its not what you think. She didn't mean-"

"By which she are you speaking of?" Of course, I already know who he's talking about.

Once I saw Angie's face again after the shocking realisation, I knew exactly who the mother was. Who else would carry those strong Icy blue eye genes? No one other than my beautiful America.

What hurt me the most was why she wouldn't have told me. I would be took her back in a heartbeat. There were so many nights where I longed for her touch, her lips back on mine. And sharing a child with her makes me want her even more, which seems already impossible.

The other thing that hurt me was since she didn't tell me, I missed out on all the most important moments in Angie's life so far. I missed all 9 months of the pregnancy, I missed her first birthday, her first day of school, her first word, check, I even missed the very birth!

To tell the truth, I'm kinda ashamed that I didn't notice it the first time I saw Angie.  And her blonde hair was the exact shade as mine. You're so stupid sometimes Maxon.

"Maxon, don't play dumb. You know who I'm talking about. But you have to realise, she didn't mean to cause trouble." I stay quiet for a few seconds before I ask some more questions.

"So, mind explaining why Angie's even here in the first place?!" I exclaim. Aspen, of course doesn't respond. He just sits there like an idiot,saying nothing.

Then, and idea pops into my head. I almost smirk, but I hold it in.

"Leger, I want you to tell America that I want to meet her by the end of the week at Baffins, and if she declines, I'll tell the whole country about this 'scandal', and take full custody of Angie." He gasps,and gets out of his seat, defensive.

"I won't let you do that to Mer! Angie is the best thing that has ever happened to her, and I won't let you take away her soul happiness! You already broke her heart, and now that it's almost fixed, you wanna do it again." He shouts right in my face. Dang, he really cares so much about America. But not as much as me.

Of course I would never do that to America, love her too much. This is just my way to lure here out of her little cave so I can finally see her after so long. I know'll it'll work. She will do anything for the people she loves. I would know, since she did have pretty prominent feelings for me, or so I think.

Hopefully, this all goes as plan.

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