Bonus Chapter: Part III

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I'm late... but I really struggled to write this one...

Spring had finally come. While there were no flowers blooming everywhere or birds chirping in the heart of the bustling city, the weather had finally become warmer and the skies clear. Another stressful exam period had just ended and An Lian was feeling worn out.

But of course, Jian Chen had not let An Lian overwork himself. And in the end, An Lian felt he had performed better. Taking care of your health is important, he thought.

It was Friday, which meant An Lian would be staying with Jian Chen for the weekend, and probably longer after too considering it was holidays now. So, An Lian followed his usual routine of packing his bag.

These days An Lian did not have to pack much, only his laptop. Because most of his things had already migrated to Jian Chen's house...

While sitting in the car that Jian Chen was driving to his house, An Lian thought about many things, like how lucky he was to have met Jian Chen when he did, he really could not imagine what his life would have been like without the other.

Jian Chen: "Xiao Lian, I want to take you somewhere tomorrow."

An Lian continued to watch the buildings outside his window rush past, "Huh? Where do you want to go?"

Jian Chen: "It's a secret~"

An Lian looked beside him suspiciously, secret...?

That night, Jian Chen did not reveal anything to An Lian. He seemed to be extremely calm and An Lian suspected they would take another day trip somewhere like last time. Thinking about this made An Lian excited. He had enjoyed their little picnic last time, only then, they were not as intimate as they were now...

Early the next morning Jian Chen woke his sleepy Xiao Lian up and helped him to get ready. They didn't bring much – some food for the journey and a blanket for An Lian.

An Lian: "We are driving somewhere again?"

Jian Chen: "Ah, sorry it will be a bit of a long drive."

An Lian smiled and reassured Jian Chen: "That's okay, I'll just sleep!"

Jian Chen chuckled softly and rubbed the boy's soft hair.

The two set off on what would be a long drive. Surely enough, An Lian was out after only twenty minutes. Jian Chen continued to drive leisurely, pulling up by the road side after a few hours to take a break.

While An Lian was still asleep, he quickly stepped out of the car to make a phone call.

When he was just hanging up, An Lian opened the door and stepped out of the car yawning.

Jian Chen: "Hungry? There is food in the back, let's take a break."

An Lian readily agreed and the two snacked on food for a short while, discussing various topics. It was already past midday and Jian Chen insisted they would have to set off again to make it in time. An Lian could still not get any kind of information out of the man as to where they were going, and reluctantly decided to give up.

It won't be much longer until we are there anyway...

By the time the car stopped again, it was already late afternoon.

An Lian gazed out of the window cautiously, it looked like they were in the middle of nowhere! The road they had taken had turned to dirt about an hour ago, and Jian Chen took the car further into what looked like a forest.

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