Chapter 6 movie night pt 2/the truth

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Peters pov
"So who's ready to watch Star Wars". I say." Meeeeee". Ned and y/n say in sync. I laugh and clear out my room a bit so we have room to sit on the floor in some bean bags. I play the dvd and we turn off the light y/n holding the popcorn

~3 hours later~
   We finish the first one and Ned had to go home cause his mom so it's just me and y/n. We start the second one and we scoot closer to each other. The second one is a bit more soft played so I'm not gonna be surprised if y/n falls asleep.

Your POV
    As we are watching I start to have flashbacks or vision of something and I get scared I grab on to Peter's hand. We interlock fingers and I rest my head on his shoulders and soon I fall asleep.

Peter's POV
    I see that y/n has fallen asleep. I decide to call Mr.Stark

Peter- Hello Mr.Stark

Stark-what's up Pete

Peter-well y/n has fallen asleep here do you want me to take her home

Stark- uh yeah sure

Peter-okay I'll be there in a few


   I put up my phone. Since May already knows I'm Spider-Man I tell her I'm gonna go drop her off at the Stark building. I put on my Spider-Man outfit and grab y/n and put her on my back. I swing out of the apartment holding onto her as tight as I can.
    We finally make it to the building she is still asleep I carry her bridal style to her bed. Something takes over me and I kiss her forehead I see her smile. As I'm exiting I take off my mask and talk to Steve." So where's Mr.Stark". I ask." He's out on a mission he said to tell you he said thanks for being with y/n"." Oh tell him I said it's not a problem"." Okay kid you better get home". I nod and jump off the balcony and swing myself back home.

Your POV
I wake up around 9:00 pm in my room. I sit up as my dad walks in." Hey love bug bout time your awake". He says sitting at the foot of my bed." Yeah I didn't get a lot of sleep". I say." Oh anything on your mind"." Um well so I had Georgia take a blood sample of me and she said that I ugh have......"." Powers". He finishes for me. I nod my head." Yeah I was gonna tell you but I don't know". He says scooting closer to me." So what "powers" do I have". I ask." Well um when we first found you. You were only five. So you had many tantrums where your hands will literally throw fire. Electricity would radiate all over your body". He finishes saying." Dang why do I not remember anything"." Well since you were only a child it was too much on you that you'd blackout". My mind is shook." Well since you know you will start your training on your powers. So tomorrow is Saturday so you may want to get some sleep". He says I nod he kisses my forehead then leaves my room turning off the light and shutting the door.

~few hours later~

As I'm trying to go to sleep I hear a knock on my window." Georgia turn camera on outside". I look at my computer to see it's Peter as Spider-Man." Turn on sleeping mode". I tell her I go over to my window and open it." Hey Peter what are you doing here". I ask motioning him to come inside." Well I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me". He says pulling off the mask." At". I turn to look at my clock." 1:00am". I say. He nods and smiles. That smile how can I say no." Sure let me get my shoes on". I say. I hurry and get my shoes on." Okay hop on". I hop on his back." Let's go". And he jumps and swings. The beautiful New York lights shine. He swings a few more times until we are on a tall building where we can see almost all of New York. He sets me down and he sits next to me.
"This is beautiful".

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