Chapter 30 together

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Your POV
Me and my dad walk in our states to the ice. My dad has a bit of trouble and has to hold on to the side. But I love skating. I skate around as dad stays in one spot. I skate over to him." Cmon skate". I say grabbing his hands. Just then our song comes on." Oh now we have to skate".( play song ). He gives then allows me to pull him to sorta the center of the rink. We kinda do a two step like then he spins me.
" You know your the most important person in the world to me". He tells me. I smile. He spins me in my skates. I laugh as I almost fall. He sees me smile and I see his eyes swell up." Don't cry dad". I tell him." Ugh it's just I feel like all your injuries are my fault. I mean you lost your arm"." That was none of your fault did you know I was gonna get kidnapped". I ask him." No"." Then it's not your fault I'm okay right now". I tell him. He breaks the dance and hugs me.
We skate around together some more and I show him some skate tricks. He tried to copy one of my moves then ends up falling. We both share a laugh. It's getting late so we decide to end it here and just walk around.
    As we walk around paparazzi comes on crowd around us." Mr.Stark is this your mystery daughter"." Mr.Stark who is she". There's many questions going around then soon I get trampled myself. I hate being in small places so I yell." I will answer one question just leave us alone". Everyone steps back and my dad finds me. My dad gives me a concerned look." I am his daughter". Then me and my dad leave to go into a taxi." Where to sir". The driver asks." The Stark building please". The paparazzi follows the car until it goes to far." I'm sorry dad". I tell him." It's okay. It was the only way". He tells me.
We get to the House me and my dad talk on the way up then go to our rooms. I change into some pajamas since it's almost bed for me. I turn on my tv as I start to tidy up my room." Tonight we are discussing Tony Starks mystery daughter. She confirmed it tonight that she is her daughter now the question is who's the baby momma. I get mad and turn it to music. I finish cleaning then lay down.
     " Hey kiddo tomorrow I'm gonna go out with Steve, Bucky, Banner, and Clint so you may be alone for a while. But you can invite Peter over if you want". He says coming through my door." Yeah where are you guys going". I ask." Somewhere". He says suspiciously. I give him a look." Okay". I say. He comes over and gives me a kiss on my head then leaves closing my door. I'm playing on my phone and watching Netflix when my computer goes off. I'm getting a video call from Peter. I lay down my phone and go over to my computer answering the call.
~video call~
Y- Hey Pete what's up.
P- Hey um nothing much just wanted to see if you can hangout tomorrow.
Y-Yeah actually my dad and some of the male avengers are going out tomorrow and dad said you can come over.
P-Yeah sounds great can I invite MJ and Ned.
Y- Yeah of course I miss hanging out with MJ.
P-You and her used to hang out?
Y-Yeah we parted this year cause of me and my powers I didn't want her in trouble.
P-Oh well we can all hang out.
Y-Yeah sounds good. Well I'm gonna get some sleep.
P-Okay goodnight love you
Y-Love you too sleep well.
   We end the call and I go brush my teeth. I get done then go lay down. I soon fall asleep thinking about tomorrow.
   I wake up from a bad dream. My breaths are hard and I'm sweating. I rub my eyes and shake my head. Once I restrain reality I get up. I make my way to my dresser to get some clothes. Once I get my clothes I go to my bathroom and go take a shower. As I'm stripping down I look at my back and see the bruises still there. I put that to the back of my mind then jump in the shower.
    I get out of the steamy shower and get dressed in some tights and one of my dads long sweatshirts from when he was my age then I put on my flat white converse. I decide to let my hair air dry then straighten it later. I get out of the bathroom then go to my desk to put on some eyeliner. I finish getting ready then exit my room to find all the boys in the living room.
     " Hey boys". I say walking in. They immediately jump up and cover things." What are you guys hiding". I ask." Nothing". They all say." Hmm okay well dad when you guys are out can I go hang with friends". I ask walking over to the kitchen making me some coffee/or tea." Depends which friends". He says as they put away the things." Peter, Ned, and MJ". I say." Yeah okay just be back around 7 or 8". He tells me." Okay thanks you"." Your welcome well me and the guys are gonna head out just text me when you leave". He says walking over to me." Yeah okay love you". He kisses my forehead." Mwah love you too".
     They leave. I go to my room with my coffee and check my phone. Peter texted me like 10 minutes ago.' Hey when are we gonna come'. I text back.' Right now is good'.' Okay I'll text Ned and MJ'. I put down my phone and go to the speaker which is connected." Hey Grey when 3 teenagers show up can you send them to this level". I ask." Yes ma'am". I go ahead and go grab my coffee and phone and my little satchel. I wait and watch some tv when the buzzer goes off for the elevator. I turn to see the squad.
   I stand up and go over to them hugging them each. I hug MJ longer since it's been a while." I've missed hanging out with you". She tells me." Yeah me too". We let go." So this is where I live. Blah blah house stuff so where are we gonna go". I ask." How about breakfast have any of you ate". Peter suggest.
    We all look at each other and shake our heads no." Well breakfast we go". We all head to the elevator and chat on the way down." Mike can you get the car". I tell one of my dads workers." Yes Mrs.Stark where would you like to go". He says." Um ihop". I say.
     He hurries and goes and gets the van. We all hop in the back." So Peter and Ned already know but MJ the reason we stopped hanging out is cause I was protecting you". I tell her." Protecting me from"?" Just anything bad cause I have powers. Sounds weird but just look". I open my palm and a little flame appears." Woah". She runs her hand over it." What else can you do". She asks me.(btw I forgot my own story so I may add powers that any of us know about). I push my hands together then pull away revealing sparks. She's in awe then I pick her phone up using my mind." I have more but need a bigger area". I tell her.
    We make it to ihop and get off." I'm gonna go back to the building Mrs.Stark just call me when your done"." Okay". Then he drives off. We walk into the ihop." Hello how much". The female asks." Um 4 please". She looks at the little board." Okay right this way". We all follow her to a booth me and MJ on one side the the boys on the other." So let's get this day started".

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