Chapter 28 slumber party

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Your POV
   It's been a at least 10 days since we had that fight with the guy I still don't know and I've been having these odd visions or something. I wake up drowning in sweat. I don't know what to tell my dad or how so I've been keeping it a secret but today is slumber party night. We have this every first snowfall of the year and Peter is invited. Since school finally let out his aunt May is letting him come over more often so I'm happy.
It's 4pm we have 2 more hours till everyone arrives since it's just me and my dad setting up. We set up the gaming consoles and place movies out. After we get done with the entertainment we go ahead and start placing beds everywhere." Hm move that one here". I tell my dad." When did you become the boss". He asks moving the bed." Ever since I was born". I tell him smirking. He laughs and rolls his eyes. We finish moving the beds and it's already 5." Here We'll get ready then finish making the snacks". He tells me." Mkay". Then we head our separate ways.
I go back to my room and take a quick shower. After I get out of the shower I see some bruises on my back and torso. I grab my pajamas which is a silk tank top and some silk shorts. The nice rose gold goes well with my skin. The pajama top hides my bruises on my back just enough.
I fix my hair up in a messy bun then head back to the living room. Steve and Bucky already showed up." Early as always". I tell them walking up to them and hugging them." Well Steve wanted to come early I told him that we are always early". Bucky says as I move from Steve to hug Bucky." You guys sound like an old married couple". I tell Bucky. He chuckles.
I pull away and he pushes me." So anything we can help with". Steve asks." Um not really me and dad just went to go get ready so we can set up the snacks". I tell him as my dad walks in the living room. Bucky and Steve sit on the couch looking at the movies and games as me and my dad go to the kitchen and set up snacks. When we get done it's 5:48 and more people arrive.
I say hi and hug everyone that walks in then I see Peter. I run into his arms and hug him." You saw Me
like yesterday". He says as we continuing hugging." I know just too long". I tell him. We pull away and I lead him to where he can leave his stuff. He sits down on a bed and I head back to the kitchen to grab the snacks. I grab the platter and come back setting it on the coffee table.
My dad and Steve grab the rest of the snacks and set them down." So Tony what's first". Clint asks." Mario". He says handing specific people controllers." What's a Mario". Thor asks. Me and Peter laugh." It's a video game Mario Cart where you drive around in like little cars and try to get to first place". I explain as my dad hands me and Peter a controller. I choose my character and Peter chooses toad." The first 3 out of the 6 who make it will go against the people without a controller". My dad explains. Everyone nods then we start playing.
As we play I use my telekinesis to mess some people up mostly Thor and Steve." For fuck sakes stop it y/n". Thor says. I smirk. Peter wins first I win second and Bucky wins third. My dad, Thor, and Steve give up their controllers to Wanda, Natasha , and Clint." Hey that's no fair y/n cheated". Steve says." What I did no such thing". I say acting shocked.
The next round begins and it was easy. I beat Peter so I'm in first Peter now in second and Wanda moved up to third. The games goes on and I keep my place in first. It's the final round between me and Sam. I win just by a little bit. I shower in the praises." Okay moving on time for movies". My dad says." Let's watch a comedy". Banner suggests." We watched a comedy last year how about an action". Bucky says." Cmon let's watch a horror movie we haven't watched a horror one since we first started this tradition". I say laying down on my bed as Peter sits at the foot of the bed.
They all look around and nod." What horror movie". They ask me." Hm everyone close your eyes". I tell them. They all do as I say." No peaking". I tell my dad and use my powers to close his eyes. I type in the name of the movie then start playing." Okay open". They open their eyes." It"? Bucky questions." It's a movie about a clown". Sam responds." Everyone be quite its starting". Natasha says. Everyone hushed down. A few minutes into the movie Peter leans back on my legs.
He gets up and sits criss cross. I get up as well and lay my head on his lap. I see my dad look back at me and smile then turn back. I feel sleepy so I get up from his lap and lay down not facing the tv. I feel next to me sink down. Peter must be laying down. I feel safe. I close my eyes and soon fall asleep.

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