Chapter 5: Vienna.

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Steve had told me loads of stories about Peggy Carter. About how she was there from the beginning. When he first joined the army, when he got his shield, when he went into the sea. He had told me that when he came out of the ice he thought he had nothing, when he found out she was alive, he was just lucky to have her.

Being at Peggy's funeral was an honour in a way. To be in the presence of such an amazing woman. I gave Steve his space and waited outside, listening to the mass. When the funeral had ended I found him inside, just standing there, staring. I felt sorry for him really, he lost the last thing he had that reminded him of home. I walked over to him and embraced him. Then Natasha joined us at the front pew.

"Who else signed?" Steve asked, still looking forward.

Nat sighed.

"Tony, Rhodes, Vision."


"Says he's retired."

"What about Wanda?" I questioned.

Nat looked at me and said:

"TBD. I'm off to Vienna for the signing of the Accords."

She turned to me.

"It has been requested that you join me, Emily."

I really wasn't expecting that. I refuse to sign the Accords but still it's requested that I attend. Strange. Sure why not? I've got nothing planned.

"When do we leave?"

Nat gave me a small smile.

"In three hours. So I suggest you get packing."

Three hours! Thanks for the short notice Nat. I gave Steve another hug and left the church in a rush. I had gotten back to Avengers Tower and packed the fanciest clothes I have. And after about an hour I was ready to go. I've never been to Vienna, maybe I might get the chance to explore the city a bit. Maybe.
We arrived in Vienna in good time. The flight was long, very long, so the only rest we'd get was on the jet. It was bright when we landed and the time difference had thrown me off, meaning my internal clock was malfunctioning.
We booked into our hotel and got something to eat. I. Was. Starving. I love my food and my stomach wasn't very pleased with me at the fast I had put it through. We had about an hour left, so I decided I'd get ready. Due to my tiredness it would take me longer to get ready, and look somewhat respectable. The first thing I had to do was cover the bags under my eyes.

Nat and I were now in the conference room, when a secretary came up asking for our signatures.

"I ain't signing anything."

And with that I walked off leaving Nat alone, signing things. I walked over to the glass window that replaced the front wall of the building. Nat had started talking to someone. They were talking about how they're not 'use to the spotlight.'They were just talking about the Accords and politics, blah, blah, blah. I zoned out on their conversation but was immediately drawn back in when I heard my name mentioned. 

"Well, I'm not. Thankfully I'm not alone, I've brought a friend with me." Nat said.

"Oh, and who would this friend be?" I heard the man ask.

"Emily Cassidy. She joined the Avengers about two years ago, we found her in a Hydra base in Siberia."

I walked over to her. Keeping my eyes focused on my shoes as I walked to her, my head bowed. When I reached her I put my hand on her shoulder.

"You know Nat, I don't like when you tell people my business." I said with sarcasm evident in my voice.

I turned to shake hands with the man Nat had been talking to. When I came face to face with her new acquaintance, my face fell. I couldn't believe it. And neither could he. It's been so long, I thought I'd never see him again. I composed myself and held out my hand.

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