Chapter 18: Eric Stevens AKA Killmonger.

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Myself and Shuri were in her lab awaiting Ross' awakening. We were working on an update for some of T'Challa's gear.

"Alright, where am I?"

Shuri nearly jumped three feet in the air when Ross spoke.

"Do not scare me like that, Coloniser!"

I stifled a small laugh at both Shuri's statement and Ross' facial expression.

"What? My name is Everett."

She turned to look at him.

"Yes, I know. Everett Ross former Air Force pilot and now CIA."

He had a mixture of expressions written on his face. Confusion definitely being one of them.



"Okay, is this Wakanda?"

"No it's Kansas."

Ross ignored her sarcastic comment, adverting his focus to me.

"Can I speak with you for a minute?"

I looked at Shuri and hopped off the desk, following Ross over to the edge of the room. He folded his arms and stood silent until I stood in front of him. He took a moment to speak, as if he was collecting thoughts.

"I know I've threatened to throw you in a cell and everything like it, but...."

He then looked at me.

"Thank you, for saving my life."

I shook my head at him.

"I didn't save your life Ross, the technology here did."

He smiled a small smile at me.

"I may have been knocked out, but I could still hear."

My expression had gone from happy to serious in a matter of seconds, Ross seemed to notice this and continued on with the conversation.

"I can put in a good word at the CIA, maybe get them off your back a bit."

"Thanks, Ross."

Shuri then called us over, telling us a man had showed up at the boarder claiming to have killed Klaue.

"Can you bring any information on this guy?" I asked.

She then brought up a picture on the screen in front of us. I nearly dropped dead when I saw the man who's picture stood before me. Ross seemed to notice my jurassic change in colour. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"You okay?"

I looked at him and nodded. Shuri then gave me a questioning look. I went and sat down on the chair beside desk, resting my head in my hands before perching my chin up on my hand. Both gave me a weird look, probably to go along with my behaviour. I pointed to the picture before us.

"Erik Stevens. Graduated Annapolis age 19, MIT for grad school. Joined the SEALs and went straight to Afghanistan where he wrapped up confirmed kills, like it was a video game.
Started calling him Killmonger.
He joined a JSOC ghost unit.
Now these guys are serious.
They will drop off the grid so they can commit assassinations and take down governments."

Ross then questioned:

"And how do you know him, exactly? Weren't you with Hydra?"

I sighed and looked down remembering the day well.

"I was still under Hydra's control at the time. We had this mission to assassinate the president of Mexico, did he. One thing you learn about Eric is: never get in his way. Especially when he's on a mission."

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