Chapter 19: Out With The Old, In With The New.

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I watched as the King's mantel was handed over to Killmonger. That smirk still playing on his lips.

"You know, it would be weird to have my Aunty be my Queen."

He paused.

"So I propose an idea. Anyone of you will challenge me to take your Queen's place; all you gotta do is keep me grounded for ten seconds. If you win: she lives among the Wakandan people."

He stopped pacing and looked the crowd in the eyes.

"If you loose:.......she dies just like her son."

I looked over to Romona who had Shuri wrapped in her arms. She shook her head at me, knowing my intentions well. She grabbed my hand roughly.

"You are all we have left."

I closed my eyes and let a tear slip down my cheek.

"I promised him to keep you safe."

I broke away from her grasp and made my way down the mountain, not waiting for her to reply,  earning a few looks from the people I passed. I finally had the chance to get payback for that time in Mexico and I wasn't going to let him harm my family. Once I reached the bottom I picked up T'Challa's spear and shield, ready to fight.

"I shouldn't have expected anything less from you."

I glared at him.

"You're not going to lay a finger on  her, or anyone else."

He raised his dagger tauntingly.

"We'll see about that."

He charged forwards as did I. Killmonger made the first move slashing down on my shield. I huddled down and nipped his side as I drew my spear, which was  broken in half, along his torso. He grunted at the sudden pain and again started slashing my shield with his dagger. Killmonger managed to pull the spear from my grasp with his next attack, leaving me defenceless with only a shield. I ran towards him, connecting my foot with his chest, making him stumble backwards. I abandoned my shield as it got in the way in our hand to hand combat, plus Killmonger's dagger. We threw punches and delivered kicks to one another, quickly, tiring each other out. But I wasn't giving up. I flew down and swiped my feet under Killmonger's legs, causing him to fall. I had only turned my back on him for a matter of seconds before he put his arm around my neck, holding me close to his body. My hands flew to his arm, trying to break his grip, but it wasn't happening. He embedded his dagger into my abdomen before tearing it diagonally across my torso.
His grip loosened and I fell to the ground, water splashing as I did so. I was on my knees, holding onto my stomach as I rocked back and forth. Tears of pain spilled from my eyes as I met the gaze of Romona and Shuri. I had to get back up, I needed to keep fighting, for them. For him. I could hear Killmonger chuckle behind me, raising his dagger to finish me off.

"You're just as useless as him!"

Anger rose inside of me and I pushed myself to my feet again. Without giving Killmonger time to react I swung my fist at him, the blow connecting with his jaw. He stumbled back as I continued to use him as a punching bag. I swept his feet from under him, causing the water to splash as his body connected with the ground. I didn't let it stop there. I got on top of him and started punching him over and over and over. I then picked up my spear that lay beside him and shoved it through his right shoulder, pinning him to the ground.

"I guess we're even."

I got up off of him and made my way across the arena, my arm wrapped around my torso as it continued to bleed. Wobbly, I advanced towards Romona and Shuri, Nakia now standing beside them. I stumbled upon a rock and almost fell only for Nakia had been there to stop me. I gripped her shoulder tightly.

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