Chapter 16: A New Threat.

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We arrived back at some sort of office building around two hours later. I was brought to the medical bay and put under temporary medical watch. They patched me up well.
I then joined T'Challa and Okoye in the interrogation section of the building. Nakia obviously getting the job of lookout. We were looking at Klaue through the glass and I could feel the anger radiate off of T'Challa as we continued to look, before Ross entered the room.

"I figured we'll go good cop, bad cop. I'll go in first then you guys."

Okoye then spoke to T'Challa.

"asikwazi ukumvumela ukuba athethe neKlaue yedwa. (We cannot let him talk to Klaue alone.)"

He then turned towards here and replied to her in Xhosa.

"bhetele ukuba amvumele akhulume neKlaue yedwa imizuzu emihlanu kunokubangela umcimbi apha. (It is better letting him talk to Klaue alone for five minutes than cause a scene here.)"

I looked over towards Ross, an amused smile on my face as I watched him look at the pair in utter confusion and curiosity. He then glanced my way to see if I understood the conversation that was taking place, I just shrugged my shoulders, got up off the table I was sitting on and went to stand beside T'Challa.

"After your questioning we are taking him back to Wakanda with us."

I looked straight ahead of me as I said this, not paying attention to Ross' furrowed eyebrows and shaking head.

"What? No."

All of us now faced the Agent.

"Look, I like you a lot...."

He points an accusing finger at me.

"You I'm not so sure about. But he's in my custody now. He's not going anywhere. Listen, I'm doing you guys a favour by letting you even be in here. Especially you, Miss Cassidy."

I nodded my head, seeing where he was coming from and partly agreeing with him. He placed his hand on T'Challa's shoulder as some reassurance that what he said, he meant. Although it was a simple gesture, and a natural one at that, Okoye sent death glares Ross' way.

"ukuba uya kukuthinta kwakhona, ndiza kumbethela kule desiki. (If he touches you again I am going to impale him to that desk.)"

I chuckled slightly as Ross removed his hand from T'Challa's shoulder, a dumbfounded look on his face with a hint of fear for the woman.

"Does she speak English?"

Okoye raised her eyebrow, sending glares at Ross before answering his question, her arms folded.

"When she wants to."

Ross didn't even make an attempt to continue that conversation before turning to T'Challa once again. I had returned to sitting on the table as my leg was starting to cause some discomfort.

"I'm going in. When I'm done you guys are up."

"Agent Ross."

Ross turned to face the King.


"I do appreciate your help in Busan."

T'Challa place a hand on Ross' shoulder, unknowns to Ross, placing an audio device there. Allowing us to hear their conversation through our ear pieces. Ross looked at Okoye, directing his next statement at her.

"You see that? That's called diplomacy. Your welcome."

As T'Challa began to walk away Ross pulled him to the side, whispering something to him.

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