Chapter 8: The Airport.

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"I'm not sure you understand the concept of a get away car."

"It's low profile."

We watched Steve and Sharon discussed our 'low profile' car, by we I mean Sam, Bucky and I, stuck in a Beetle. Of all cars Steve had to pick the smallest one possible, I mean I think two Super Soldiers, a former pilot and a girl in a tiny Beetle is more attention drawing than each of us in a jeep, just saying. Anyway, Sharon was kind enough to bring us our weapons and suits back. I think some of it has to do with the fact Steve asked, but oh well.

"Can you move up your seat?" Bucky asked from beside me.

I get why I'm in the back, I'm simply the smallest out of all of us. But Bucky, he's bigger than Sam and well in the back of a small Beetle one Super Soldier might be a tad......squished. Sam was having none of it, let's say the two didn't really get along, it was a love- hate relationship. So Sam's answer was much expected.


"Come on Sam, the guy is twice the size of you." I joked.

"I don't care."

And he left it at that. I shook my head, laughing to myself at the stubbornness of the two men in the car.
I looked up again to see Sam and Bucky smirking at something. I look where they were looking and saw that Steve had finally made a move, he had finally kissed Sharon. Happiness had filled my body, I was happy for him.

"I knew it!"

Both lads turned to look at me, a questioning expression clear on their faces.

"Oh come one! You haven't seen this coming?"

I chuckled at their obliviousness, when Steve came back to the car. He got in to the driver's seat and when he noticed the look on all our faces, he warned us to drop it or there'd be consequences. What are friends for?

"Don't even think about it."

He was stern but there was a smile plastered across his face.

"Oh come on Steve. It's our personal duty to slag you about this." I say, a playful smirk edging it's way onto my face.

"She's got a point, dude. We ain't dropping this. Ever." Sam stated.

He then turned to face Bucky and I in the back, a grin evidently seen.

"Did Cap ever tell you about the time he said 'language' to Tony on a mission?"

He was now laughing at our expressions, until Steve gave him a wallop across the head.

"They should add that to your profile at the museum." Bucky joked beside me.

Steve glared at him before bursting out in laughter as well. And that set us all off, laughing our hearts out.
We arrived at an airport, for what reason, I don't know. The place was empty, only one van was parked in the parking lot. Steve slowed and pulled in beside the black van. We all got out at the same time the driver of the other vehicle did.


"Hey, Em."

I run over to give him a hug. It has been so long since I last saw him, and to be honest I missed his sarcasm around Avengers Tower. I pulled away and walked back to stand beside Bucky and Sam.


"You know I wouldn't have called If I had any other choice."

"Hey man, you're doing me a favor. Besides... I'm on your team. Thanks for having my back."

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