Chapter 15: The Pursuit.

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So far we have managed to keep out of sight of Klaue's men, keeping a low profile. Okoye and Nakia were in position on the left and right. T'Challa had taken the center, while I stood at the bar. I bought two drinks and discreetly made my way towards Nakia. Once I reached her I handed her one of the glasses. We sipped away still keeping a vigilant eye on the casino.

"I thought there were no weapons allowed in here."

Okoye's voice rang over the ear piece. I exchanged a look with Nakia.

"There's not supposed to be." Nakia replied.

"Someone didn't get the memo." I scoffed.

Not only is Klaue dangerous alone with no weapons, he's even more armed now that he has eight armed men and a vibranium weapon of his own. He was bound to notice the presence of the Wakandans sooner or later and when he did all hell was going to break loose.
I notice another six men, all armed, walk into the casino. Something wasn't right here, I just had a feeling in the pit oft stomach.

"Six more. It's a setup."

"Okay. That is enough, we need to move on Klaue."

Nakia seemed frustrated at the fact that we're taking so long to do anything, and quite frankly I agree. I was about to abandon my place beside Nakia when T'Challa came over the ear piece.

"Stand down. We can't afford a shootout."

I could see Okoye's agitation from the opposite side of the room, but still obeying our King. She looked in my direction and I offered a nod to which she returned. I started tapping my foot as we watched Klaue place the Vibranium on the table, waiting for Ross to hand over the money. I was starting to loose my patience and was wondering why T'Challa was leaving it so long to do anything.

"T'Challa, you're gonna have to make a move or I will. Your choice."

"Stand down and wait for my signal, Agent!"

I looked back over to Okoye, who whisper shouted 'ukuma phantsi' (stand down) as I began to move. Unfortunately catching the attention of one of Klaue's men


The next thing I know Okoye is flinging her wig at the armed guard, distracting him as she packed a few punches.

"I have been found!"

I could hear someone mention the Wakandans and that we were here. Now that that was out, things would finally get started.
Two men, either side, started making their way towards Nakia and I. She had turned to look at me and I smirked back at her, one she soon mirrored. They came on full force, one after the other. Aiming their guns but never actually getting the chance to fire them. Nakia and I were surrounded by unconscious bodies in a matter of minutes. I let our little victory distract me, so much so that I nearly didn't spot the gunman behind Nakia, aiming to fire. I reacted quickly, throwing us both over the railing as the gun was fired, it's bullet lodging itself in my thigh as we fell.
Luckily for us there was a cards table for Nakia and myself to land on. With impact, the table crumbled to pieces, and of course catching the attention of almost everyone. The impact had winded me so I lay were I was trying to regain my breath. Nakia had gotten up and was making her way to another fight. I closed my eyes as I regained my breath and pushing myself off of the now broken table. As I gained my balance and re-opened my shut eyes, the place was in pieces and in the middle of the room lay T'Challa, money raining down around us. I then came face to face with Klaue's arm cannon stuck in my face.

"Ah, Agent Cassidy, what a pleasure it is to see you again."

He had a smug grin on his face, sarcasm dripped from his words and to say I feared his intentions was an understatement. As I didn't reply he continued on, keeping his arm pointed at me.

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