Chapter 12: Challenge Day.

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The journey had been short but as we closed in on the Wakandan boarder, it felt like an eternity. I couldn't wait to get back but I was also wishing the journey was longer, that we weren't so close. As the thoughts of going back became more real I grew more anxious, what if they didn't want me back? What if Romona and Shuri hate me for leaving? What if they're all better off without me?
It was starting to get bright outside, the brightness of the sun casting over the land. My  mind was wandering, various thoughts entering my head before storing themselves in the back of my mind. I was in one of those states when your daydreaming and you don't blink until you come out of it. A gentle hand on my shoulder brought me out of my trance.

" I will take over."

It was Nakia.


She offered me a smile before she took my place at the 'wheel'. I stretched out my limbs, shaking the stiffness before walking to the back of the jet, taking a seat opposite T'Challa. We sat in silence for a while, staring at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing we've ever seen. I started fiddling with my fingers and tapping my foot nervously unknowns to myself. I was only made aware of my nervousness when T'Challa spoke.

"You are nervous, I can tell."

He stood up and walked over to sit beside me, I looked at him quizzically before adverting my eyes towards the ground again. He was staring straight ahead, at the wall opposite us.

"You are anxious that the people of Wakanda will not be happy with your return? Or is it because of a certain Queen and Princess that you are afraid will not accept you?"

I felt his eyes fall upon my frame. I still looked down at the floor, avoiding his glare. I sighed softly and let my shoulders slouch. He leaned back and rested the back of his head against the side of the jet. There was a momentary silence

"They do not blame you for what happened."

This time I looked at him, I knew exactly what he was referring to. But my question was how was he so sure? I didn't ask, I just sat back against the wall and closed my eyes. All the memories started playing through my mind, flashbacks of the past few days played like a video tape in my mind.

"Earlier on......."

His voice was like a whisper, as if what he was going to say was between him, me and the wall. I nodded in response, letting him know I was listening.

"You referred to Wakanda as 'home'."

I turned to look at him, a small smirk playing across his lips. I returned the smirk and looked to the floor again shyly. I shook my head slightly.

"I guess I did."

I looked back up at him again. A smile still plastered on his face. Nakia then spoke from the cockpit.

"We are home."
I stood nervously, fidgeting uncontrollably as I waited for the ramp of the jet to fully open. I was frozen in my place as the bright light of the sun hit my face, blinding me. I shielded the sun with my hand as I took a deep breathe and watched as T'Challa and Nakia walked down the ramp. I started to panic again, my breathing becoming uneven. I felt the weight of a hand take place on my shoulder and the concerned face of Okoye looking at me. I calmed down a small bit and nodded at her.

"I'm fine."

She raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm fine, Okoye. Seriously."

"Then we should go, you cannot hide in here forever."

She laughed softly at me, her hand gesturing for me to make my way down the ramp. I took a deep breath and started to walk down the ramp.
As I got closer I could see T'Challa talking to Romona and Shuri, keeping them occupied from noticing me as I practically hid behind T'Challa's back. Okoye walked up to stand beside T'Challa, offering him a smile. I then heard Shuri speak.

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