Chapter 2: The Beginning Pt.1.

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I adapted to the Wakandan customs pretty quickly. After a week of training with the Dora Milaje, protecting the Throne and all while doing what I love, I had finally felt....happy.

I had been in Wakanda now for almost three months. I had done nothing but show loyalty to the Throne, obeying their every command. Although King T'Chaka was a bit skeptical at first I think he has grown to like me, and he finally had trusted me. Throughout my stay I had also met Queen Romona and Princess Shuri, who I had taken a shine to. Shuri and I had become close friends, often she'd show me new tech in her lab and I'd try to help out where I could. Queen Ramona had also learned to trust me some bit, as for her son, not so much.

Prince T'Challa had never trusted me since the day King T'Chaka allowed me to stay in his home. He was always very cautious around me, always on guard. The Prince didn't fully like the fact of Shuri hanging around with me, actually he didn't like it at all. They often got into fights over it, but nothing changed. I had gained the trust of the King. The Queen. The Princess. The Dora Milaje. I was determined to gain the trust of the Prince.

Over the course of another three months, totalling six months, King T'Chaka had grown to be like a father to me, he gave me lessons on the Wakandan language and culture. Mostly about the different tribes, religious ceremonies and of course the Heart- Shaped Herb. T'Chaka had also given me tours of Wakanda, and I must say it was one beautiful country, especially the Wakandan sunsets. Over those months I had also gained some of Prince T'Challa's trust. He wasn't as tense or on guard. It was a relief to be honest. The odd time, when I was with Shuri in her lab, T'Challa would visit to see the new designs for various things, we would just end up laughing at each other. Mostly because Shuri was roasting him about one thing or other.

Given some time, a lot of time, T'Challa and I had become good friends, often just sparring and then taking a walk through the gardens. Until I had training and he had 'Prince duties'. Sometimes I would be invited to dine with the royal family, I should have felt out of place, but because of my close relationship with each of them I felt at ease. I no longer address them by King, Queen, Prince or Princess but by just their names. Of course it was weird at first but it just grew into a habit.

I rarely thought about Bucky. He left and I hadn't heard anything about or from him. He was still my partner and nothing could change that, nor could anyone fill that void, fully. Although, Okoye did a pretty good job of temporarily filling it. She had become quite fond of me durning our time training together, and eventually we became friends. She was my friend but while sparring she certainly didn't show it. Okoye didn't hold back on throwing punches at her opponent.
It was coming up to the end of my second year in Wakanda, life had been great up until then. Up until the attack. Until Hydra had come back.

That night was Romona and T'Chaka's anniversary. Everything was going so well. There was a ball at the palace, and most of Wakanda was invited. A ball wasn't exactly my cup of tea, mainly because when I attended a ball it was to assassinate someone. That and I couldn't dance. At all. And I certainly wasn't use to wearing a gown. I had gotten ready with Shuri and Okoye. We sat in my room and Shuri did my hair and makeup while Okoye got into her gown. Shuri had done an excellent job on my hair and makeup, and it matched my dress perfectly. It was a royal blue, to match my eyes, and had small diamonds around the neck. Okoye wore a beautiful red dress, which really complimented her dark complection. Yellow was Shuri's go to colour. At first when she said she was wearing yellow, you could see the cringe on my face. Then, I took it back because she look stunning in the colour.

The palace had looked amazing that night. The ballroom was full of decorations and the chandelier, it really finished the place off perfectly. Our trio entered the ballroom and Shuri had to go stand by her family on the landing, looking over the room below. They all looked so perfect together, it was very picturesque. King T'Chaka had stood forward and started to speak. The room had fallen silent.

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