Chapter 11: Trapped

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••••••••••••••Peter's POV•••••••••••••

When I woke up I saw y/n struggling to get her hands from under the crates. I got up and i lifted the very heavy crates from off of her hands.

"Is your arm broken?" I asked y/n. "I don't know it doesn't hurt that bad while i was knocked out I must have healed myself." y/n said with a very small smile on her lips.

When we stood up i realized we were still in the truck but we were stopped. I jumped out and got ready to fight if anyone was there but no one was.

I turned around to y/n and she was giggling. "hey, its not funny" i told her. " yes, yes it kind of was" she said trying not to burst out laughing,.

"hey Karen where are we" I asked the voice in my suit. "you are in the most secured felicity in DC" Karen said back. "great" i said sarcastically. "when does this place open?" I asked. "they open at 11:00 am, and its about 9:00 pm right now." she said. "NO........NO! we have to get back to the Academic Decathlon" i said running to the huge doors blocking us in this place. "Hey! is anyone out there! please let us out!" i yelled trying to get anyone's attention, but no one heard me.

"y/n! come here" I yelled as I was still trying to get the doors open. "what wrong?" she asked as she ran over to were I was. "were trapped in here until 11:00 if we cant get these doors open. Is there anyway that you could try to get the doors open?" i asked her.

••••••••••••••y/n POV•••••••••••••

When peter asked me if i could open the doors i wasn't sure if i could because i have never tried to lift something so heavy before, and also i didn't know if my powers would work after those crates fell onto my hands in the truck.

"I don't know if i can but i'll try" i told him.

As i lifted my hands i realized that my powers were working, but i was still weak. "I'll try my best peter but i don't know if i can do th-" i was then interrupted by peter kissing me passionately.

he pulled away from the kiss. "I know you can do it" he said with a big smile on his face and i gave me more strength and i could feel it.

I then lifted my hands again and started to try to open the doors with my mind, but the doors were heaver that i thought.

I looked at him with worry in my eyes thinking this wasn't going to work.

I started to get really light headed as i was still trying to get the doors open. I then closed my eyes and fell to the ground.

He then ran over to me to see if i was ok. I fluttered open my eyes and he was looking at me hopping i would wake up. I then sat up and gave him a hug. "im so sorry i couldn't do it peter" i said as i started to cry feeling really bad.

"why are you sorry y/n? you tried your best." he said with a smile on his face and kissed my forehead.

After a while i was looking around this place just walking around to see what was here, then all of the sudden peter comes from behind me and yelling that the glowing thing that we told Ned to hold onto was a bomb and he grabbed my waist and swung us out of there, landing onto a truck that was leaving this place.

"how did you open the doors peter?" i asked him. "i saw a box on the side of the doors and i tried every possible combination until i got them open" he said "also how do you know that the glowing thing is a bomb?" i asked him.

"when i went back into the truck to go get my backpack Karen told me what is was" he said. "so the thing that Ned has in his backpack is a bomb?" i asked him with worry in my voice. "ya and we need to get to the Washington Monument fast" he said.

{Peter Parker x reader} White WitchWhere stories live. Discover now