Chapter 17: Tears

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•••••••••••y/n POV••••••••••

While me and peter sat on top of a ledge, dad was making sure everyone was ok and securing the ferry back together.

"peter its gonna be ok i promise" i said as i was hugging him, his head on my shoulder, and him beginning to tear up.

That was when dad came up from below. "is everyone ok?" peter asked. "no thanks to you" dad said to peter in a rude voice. "dad" i said in a voice that told him to stop but i didn't shout. "no y/n peter told me that he was still at school safe and that you were also safe at home. What if you two got hurt today?" dad said.

"dad were fine" i told him. "Ya but if you got hurt i feel like that's on me"dad said. When he said that i started to get tears in my eyes.

"peter give me the suit, and y/n i will need the sensor" my dad said. "what?" i said so confused. "Mr. Stark i-i am nothing without this suit you c-cant take this away from me" peter said with tears in his eyes. "dad you cant do this" i said with tears going down my cheeks. At this point i couldn't tell if i was angry or sad.

"peter if your nothing without this suit then you are nothing at all" dad said and it broke my heart. "y/n, sensor " dad said with his hand out. I then took it off and gave it to him. "Mr. Stark i don't have any other clothes" peter said with tears starting to come out of his eyes. "we can fix that" he said.

When we got to they apartment door peter stopped. "hey its gonna be ok we will get our things back we will find a way" i said with tears starting to fill my eyes. "promise?" peter asked also starting to tear up. "i promise" i said giving him a hug and kissing his forehead.

I then knocked on the door waiting for Aunt may to answer the door. When she opened the door she looked at us and walked away. "what going on you guys i know you've been sneaking out every night, i know you left the hotel in DC, and that you left detention the other day. whats going on?" she asked the both of us. Peter sat on the bench and i sat across from him and i rubbed his hand that was on the table.

"we lost the Stark internship" peter told he and started to cry and so did i. "oh you guys" she said hugging peter and waving her hand telling me to come to her. So i did and we stood there for a while just hugging and that was what me and peter really needed.

She then said she was going to bed. "ok may" i said with a sad and tired voice and i sat next to peter with tear stained cheeks. " you ok?" i asked him.

"i will be"

{Peter Parker x reader} White WitchWhere stories live. Discover now