Chapter 20: Crushed

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••••••••••••y/n POV••••••••••••

When we got to the school Liz got out of the car before we could leaving us in the car with her dad. Peter then tried to get out but he stopped us before we could.

"does she know?" he asked us. "know what?" i asked him being a smart ass. "who you guys are" he said back. "no she doesn't" peter spoke up. "good, now i'm not gonna do anything because you saved my daughter and there is nothing more important than family and i'm not gonna forget that. Now you can stay here and leave me alone or i wont be afraid to hurt you two" he said which started to scare me so i just grabbed onto peters hand to feel safe.

When we got out of the car he drove off and me and peter looked at each other and we then walked into the gymnasium it was all decorated. I started to think to myself that he was getting away with what he did and that we couldn't just let him go.

I grabbed peters hand walked fast to Liz. "i'm sorry Liz but we have to go" i said then walking away before she could say anything. "where are we going?" peter asked me. "to go get him" i said while we were running.

When we got to the lockers he lifted them up and grabbed his things and we left. When we got outside peter had his suit on and i had my dress still on because i had nothing to get changed into.

'boom' all of the sudden peter was thrown across the parking lot. Oh my god i was thinking to myself because i was behind peter and this guy that just fucking threw peter and didn't see me i don't know how but he didn't.

I was hiding in the corner so this guy couldn't see me and all of the sudden Ned came out of no where and shot peters web shooters and got the guys hand and it was stuck to the weapon he had and he couldn't shoot it again.

"nice shot!" peter and i called out at the same time. So i looked at the guy with the weapon and i smirked. "you touched my Spiderman so i'm gonna have to hurt you now" i said and then picked him up and i threw him against the bus that was behind peter face first.

When we got to the front of the school to try and find a car that we could take i saw flash coming up with his car. So grabbed peters hand and i dragged him to where flash was coming up to. "get out of the car" i said to flash in a rude voice because he is always being rude to peter. "why should i y/n" because i said you need to and i pulled peter out of behind me and of course he didn't know it was peter but he immediately got out and let us drive his car.

Peter drove while i sat in the passengers seat. I was watching the road and he was on the phone with Ned. When he asked Ned where he was i over heard him say that he was stopped at a parking garage not far from here. " i thought that he was going out of town? isn't that what he said?" i asked peter. "i don't know" he said confused as well.

When we got really close i heard Ned say turn left. Shit. Peter then webbed the stop sign and he pulled us to the left. The car was on it's side and it was spinning from the sudden movement. When i got out peter ran over to me. "are you ok?" he said with a worried voice. "i'm fine, i'm fine i promise now lets go" i said with a small smile.

When we got into the place he was working on something in the back and as we got closer i started to get nervous because i remembered what he had said in the car. "Hey, its over we caught you" peter yelled while we were walking up to him. "oh hey pete what are you doing here i thought told you two stay there" he said looking at us like nothing happened earlier. "it's over we got you" peter said again. "both of our powers together compared to yours" i chuckled a little, "suck"

All of the sudden he wings behind him got up and started to move around. I grabbed onto peters hand. It then started to move very fast around us and breaking the cement poles holing up the whole thing. I was standing still and lifting myself up so it couldn't get me and i could see peter flipping and jumping all over the place not letting it hit him.

"see it hasn't even hit me yet" he said all confident. I let myself down because the wings stopped. "i wasn't trying to hit you" he said back. "then what were you trying to do?" i asked him. "Distract you two" he said with a smirk then got on his wings and flew out.

I grabbed peters hand because i realized what was happening. I felt peters hand leave mine and i was no longer conscious.


hey guys this story isn't over yet but it will be soon. i wanted to say sorry for not posting for a couple of days i just started school and its been a bit stressful and i ave been wanting to post for cue of days but i needed to be a bit focused for the last couple of days on what was going on.

I want to post as often as i can and i will try but i don't know how busy i will be because of homework but if i have a free day i will try my best to post.

I also wanted to say thank you for all of the support, i didn't think that this fanfic would do very good because its my first one (i will be making more so stay tuned) but it has gotten a lot of views and to me a lot of votes.


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