Chapter 3

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(A/N: This chapter really sucks but is only a filler. I tried to make it cute but I think I failed hahaha.)

Maddie's POV

I hear loud banging on my hotel door.

"I'M HERE!" I hear Catie's voice.

I open the door to find a very smiley Catie, "Hey," I say.

She walks in and sits down on my bed, "What are you thinking about wearing?"

"Uh," I walk over to the closet and look through it. I pull out a lavender sundress, "This?"

She shrugs, "Okay, sure."

Things have been going great for Caleb and I, and we're going out tonight.

"I don't know," I say when I spot something else. I pull out a simple orange t-shirt and hold it up, "I think this would be more comfortable."

"But the dress is pretty," Catie pouts, "But what would you wear with that?"

"Hmm," I walk over to the dresser and pull out a pair of black shorts, "These? I don't know.."

"Mmm," Catie puts her mouth in a straight line, "Whatever you want," she smiles.

"I asked you over to help me," I laugh.

"The dress is really pretty, but the other outfit is cute, too."

Caleb's POV

I take one last look at myself in the mirror before I grab my phone and head towards Maddie's room. I had just texted her to let her know I'm on my way. I see Catie run out of Maddie's room and down the hallway, opposite direction of me. I knock on Maddie's door. After a moment, the door opens and I see the most beautiful girl in the whole world.

"Wow," I smile.

"Hi," she smiles back.

"You look so beautiful."

She shakes her head, "You're cute."

"You are," I laugh, "Let's go."

She walks out and closes the door behind her. I take her hand and she smiles. We go down the elevator and wait outside of the hotel for our ride. While we wait, we have a fan come up to us and ask for a picture. She compliments Maddie's dress before walking away.

"Thank you," Maddie smiles.

"You're so sweet to everyone," I say to her, "You deserve the whole world."

"Caleb," She starts while blushing.

"And that's another reason why you deserve to win American Idol."

"You're sweet, but this isn't a 'who's the nicest' contest. It's about the singing and stuff, and there are far better people than me on the show."

"I disagree," I say, and our uber pulls up. I open the door for her and she gets in, I follow, "I think you are the most talented and most deserving. And I know it isn't a 'who's the nicest' contest," I mock her, playfully, "But you're the most talented AND the sweetest person I have ever met. There are plenty of talented people that don't have a good heart, and in my opinion, if you're a bad person, you don't deserve anything. But you have the biggest heart I've ever seen. You really are beautiful, inside AND out."

"Caleb," she giggles, "You are amazing. If anyone deserves to win, it's you."

I shake my head and then remember what's in my pocket, "Oh, hold on a second."


I pull out a rectangular box and hand it to her, "For you."

"You didn't have to get me anything," she smiles before opening the box. She gasps, "Caleb, I love it. This is so beautiful." She pulls the bracelet out of the box and I gently take it from her. I slide in on her wrist for her while she admires it. There is a heart shaped charm that has 'M + C' engraved in it on one side, and '2-22-18 - Forever' on the other. "I don't know what to say, Caleb. I- Thank you so much. I love it," she smiles widely before looking up at me, "I didn't get anything for you though," she pouts.

"No problem, beautiful," I smile, "Your love is the greatest gift I've ever received."

More Than Friends - Maddie Poppe and Caleb Hutchinson Series (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now