Chapter 13

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(A/N: This chapter is just a filler. But there are some cute moments of hutchpoppe from the show to remember :") I love these two so much ahhh!!)

Caleb's POV

"We're actually here," I say, sitting on the couch backstage with Maddie, "But I'm not surprised that you're here, babe. I'm surprised that I'm here, though. I wasn't expecting to get this far. But I'm glad I get to spend this moment with you."

"There was no doubt in my mind that you'd reach this point," she smiles at me, "but myself on the other hand.. I mean, heck- I wasn't even expecting to get through the auditions, let alone be here at the actual finale."

"I knew for sure you would get here. You're going to win this thing, you know."

She shakes her head, "there's a really low chance in that," she laughs, "we don't even know who the top two are yet. We won't know for a few more hours. But you're there, I promise."

"You are," I wink.

"I always mess up," she giggles.

"You always say that even though you always go out there and do it perfectly."

One of the workers backstage start walking through the crowd of people back here, "5 minutes until we're live."

"Oh no," Maddie says, shifting forward and sitting on the edge of the couch, putting her head into her hands.

"Hey, get out of your head, babe. You're going to be amazing." I say rubbing her back.

"I'm not even that nervous about performing, anymore."

I give her a confused look even though she's not looking at me, "what is it, then?"

"I don't know!" She throws her hands down and laughs a little, turning her head to look back at me. I see her eyes a little watery.

"Don't cry, it's okay. Everything is okay. I mean it when I say, you are going to win this thing. For sure."

"Good thing my mascara is waterproof."

And then it's time for the opening number.

Maddie's POV

I can't even breathe. I'm trying to act calm since we're on live television. My heart is pounding, my palms are sweaty. Ryan is about to announce the top two. I stand in front of everyone with Caleb and Gabby, and Ryan starts speaking to the camera and all of us in the theatre.

"Our top three, they've worked SO hard to be standing on this stage. It is NOT going to be easy. It's been so close at times throughout this competition. Keiran, dim the lights- here we go. Good luck to all of you. The first person after the nationwide vote, to make it to the top two is..."

Why can't I remember how to breathe? Come on Ryan, tell us already.

"Caleb." The crowd goes crazy and I instantly hug him. He really has worked so hard for this and he deserves it so much. I pull away and he hugs Gabby. The crowd is still going insane when Ryan speaks to Caleb, "You're in the top two, brother." Caleb is in so much shock. "You alright?" Ryan asks, "if you need anything, I got you." Caleb walks over to the side and I stand with Gabby. "Wow," Ryan continues, "So down to these two young ladies, Maddie and Gabby, you ready?"

"No," Gabby laughs, "Yes."

"The person to go ahead with Caleb, in the top two, after the nationwide vote is," Ryan continues, "Maddie."

There is NO FREAKING WAY. I hug Gabby and I feel my heart beating so fast.

"That means we say goodbye to one of our superstars this year, Gabby Barrett," Ryan continues before giving Gabby some positive words. I hug Caleb again while Gabby walks offstage. Gabby was so deserving of this, but I know she has a very bright future ahead of her. Ryan continues, "Wow.. it all comes down to Caleb and Maddie, who will be crowned the winner of American Idol?" He looks at Caleb, "How are you feeling in this moment?"

"Uh," Caleb starts, his arm around me, "I just hear my heartbeat. That's all."

"Yeah," Ryan says before looking at me, "How about you?"

"I don't care who wins," I smile.

A few minutes later, we are offstage again. I'm shaking. This is not what I ever imagined. I wasn't expecting any of this.

"You're going to win," Caleb tells me again.

"Caleb," I laugh, "You don't know that. But I don't care who wins. I just can't believe that America believed in me so much that they got me here."

"I can," he winks, "like I told you before, you're the real deal. You have everything it takes."

"But so do you," I state.

A little while later while still backstage, we see the same stage worker from earlier walking over to us, "Maddie and Caleb- back on."

"Thank you," we say in unison.

"You ready?" Caleb asks me.

"Yeah. I've wanted them to know for a while anyway," I smile.

We are back on stage and Ryan gives the watchers from home a welcome back, "We've got your results coming up VERY soon, but before we get to those, we want to celebrate the incredible talent that IS your top two. And we- and the country has fallen in love with the two of you. And I know this song that's coming up, and I'm just wondering... is there a special significance to this song, Caleb, when you sing it with Maddie?"

"Well, you know, uh.." Caleb starts, "Maddie's like, my best pal, and I've known her since the beginning of Hollywood week, and, you know she uh, she actually happens to be my girlfriend," he smiles and I can't help but smile, too. The crowd goes INSANE. Katy Perry even moves her chair down and starts spinning in it. Luke Bryan comes over and helps her spin, and it's literally the funniest thing.

"So.. so the two of- the two of them are a couple.. and they're competing for the title, and now, WAIT! You have to watch this, alright? One final performance together.. Caleb, and Maddie his girlfriend. Take it away," Ryan finishes.

Then mine and Caleb's performance starts. We are doing a mix of 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' and 'What a Wonderful World'. When its over the crowd goes crazy again and Ryan comes back out.

"I'm in tears watching these two sing that song!" He exclaims, "Give it up for Maddie and Caleb, ladies and gentlemen."

Before I know it, after the rush of everything that has happened tonight, it's the end of the finale. Ryan is about to announce the winner. I take slow deep breaths and Caleb holds me tight with one arm. I can feel him staring at me.

"The winner of American Idol is..." Ryan starts. I look up at Caleb with a small smile and he winks at me. Ryan finishes, "Maddie Poppe."

I can't hold it in anymore, I'm crying. I can't believe this. It feels like I'm in a dream. I hear Ryan congratulating me while Caleb hugs me and starts whispering the sweetest things in my ear.

"Which means the runner up is Caleb Lee Hutchinson!" Ryan calls out. After the longest hug from Caleb, he walks offstage and my hands go over my mouth. Ryan speaks out again, "And now she is going to perform the winning single 'Going Going Gone' with lots of emotion, I'm sure. Give it up for your American Idol.. Maddie Poppe, everybody."

More Than Friends - Maddie Poppe and Caleb Hutchinson Series (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now