First Order Rule

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After the battle of Crait, despite the rebels calls being received by loyalist, they were ignored.
Leia was soon to discover that the New Republic had signed a treaty with the First Order and all the systems were coming into line. Surprisingly not with as harsh a hand as some would have thought given the First Order's previous policing tactics in the galaxy. Perhaps this soft handling was what finally swayed the New Republic. Was the galaxy now ruled by the New First Order?

She sat at the controls of the First Order's iconic ship, the Raptor. Whilst the First Order had been soft in their policing now, when they had come across the Rebels ship, it was Leia who ultimately prevented a potential bloodbath. She recalled Hux standing over the Princess, before terms were agreed to, rather reluctantly but with no loss of life. One of the conditions was the young Jedi would become property of the First Order. She still recalled Leia hugging her goodbye before telling her she didn't have to sacrifice herself this way. She had told the princess that she had faced far worse on Jakku.
Now she sat at the controls of the Raptor. It's true owner she hadn't heard or seen since that fateful day in Snoke's chambers. After she had walked away. That was over a year ago. During that time she had been made to attend the First Order flight academy where she honed her skills and had attained, by special orders from who she knew not, the rank of captain.
She was taking the Raptor along with a few crew to a planet in the outer rim which had been causing some trouble. She landed the ship, but remained on board. It was the task of others to investigate.
During these quiet periods, she had time to look back at what had been and what was. As an officer of the First Order, discipline was paramount. Her Jedi training prepared her for that. As for the creature comforts, her rank would entitle her to some, but Hux ensured they were few. Compared to Jakku, she thought back, she was now living in luxury. In every other way, things were as they had been on Jakku. She was once again alone. No one would come near her except for purely work tasks. At the flight academy she made no friends, simply because everyone stayed clear of her. Her only pleasure was flying.
Waiting for the officials was taking time, and she was finding it difficult to keep her eyes open after such a long flight. She had gone about the ship and done routine checks, but as the only one on duty she could not afford a rest break. She returned to the bridge and sat in her chair. Leaning her head back, she closed her eyes, only for a moment she told herself.
She jumped out of her chair. Damn she had fallen asleep. That was unforgivable, and she would be reprimanded for it. Her superior officer was back, the mission over she assumed.
She began preparing the ship for take off, when she felt a disturbance in the Force. It had been so long that the mere tremor set all her senses on high alert.

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