A disturbance in the Force

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She stayed focused on piloting the ship off the planet. Her hands moving diligently over the controls.
She concentrated on breathing and in calming her thoughts. She wanted to reach out, to sense what was going on around her, but she didn't dare. The consequences for using any Jedi skills would be harsh. Hux had made that very clear when she was first taken on board those many months before. Her friends were alive for now, he had once told her. She had since then bowed to the First Order.
But whilst she didn't reach out to see if she could determine what had transpired on the planet surface, a feeling of tiny tentacles reaching into her mind, softly and curiously, did strike her as odd. The almost soothing feeling in her mind was quite different to Snoke's invasions, and others before him.
But she had to concentrate on flying. She could not afford to make a mistake. Not after dozing off whilst on duty. They would be on board the Star Destroyer in a few hours. She might find out more then.
The ship came out of hyperspace to a sea of Star Destroyers. Why were there so many in one place she wondered. The radio static alerted her to a transmission where she was given clearance and instructions on where to land. She took the ship gracefully into the large loading bay where Stormtroopers were running to their positions. As soon as the Raptor landed they flanked it. She got ready to exit along with the other officers, but her commanding officer, sitting beside her, told her to wait and run a full diagnostic on the ship. Now she was very curious. What did they not want her to see? And why all the Stormtroopers?
When she heard the last of the officers on the bridge leave, she took a chance and glanced out. What she saw chilled her to the bone. The realisation of what the First Order could be doing hit her hard. All those months of training in the academy filled with First Order indoctrinations, flew out the window and she felt the spirit of the Rebellion flow through her system once more.
Is this how it started? Leia had once said, that all that was needed was a spark of hope to light the fire...did she have that, could she ever be as strong as Leia. She would need to be, if there was to be any hope for the galaxy.

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