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Hux was observing the training of the young Jedi. He was disappointed he had to kill one earlier, but he had made his point. Perhaps he should have killed them instead. Ren and the girl were a necessary evil he told himself. When the time came, it would be his young Jedi that would prove themselves true agents of the First Order by destroying them.

Back on the Rebel base. Rey went in search of Ben. After landing on the planet things had become business as usual. For the rebels, this meant repairs of equipment that belonged in a junk heap and making do with basic amenities.
She found him moving equipment into a small vessel. He looked like he was getting ready to leave, which as she found out he was.
"You're leaving!" Rey couldn't keep the angst out of her voice.
"Escaping the First Order was just the start. They grow stronger every  day, with Hux becoming more and more twisted. The Darkness is growing, and if we stop for even a moment it will envelop us. The Dark Jedi must not be allowed to rise. Even if means destroying that ship. Before Hux sees to it and starts to move the children to multiple places."
"We can't destroy the ship. Killing those children makes us no better than Hux." She replied.

"Sometimes difficult decisions need to be made for the greater good. Sacrifice and pain, go hand in hand with freedom and peace." Leia had appeared, but her words brought Rey little comfort. She felt chilled, the Force was been tested by the evil which Hux was cultivating and the struggle of those around her. And now, just when she thought she had him, Ben was getting ready to fly out again. Was this what Leia had experienced with Han?

"What do you really plan to do?" Rey asked. "I can't believe you are going to go back to Hux's ship and either rescue all the children or blow up the ship."
Even with his families history of firstly blowing up the Death Star followed by the destruction of Starkiller Base, surely he couldn't think he could take Hux alone. She thought better to voice her objections, but Ben sensed her thoughts.
"You asked me where I had being when I first entered your chambers on the Star Destroyer," Ben said, before adding, "I had spent all this time formulating the plan that was finally executed a few hours ago, successfully I might add. The rescue of the young boy is just the start."
"So I was just a means to an end. Was my rescue even planned?" Rey asked.
"No. You simply made the mission easier to execute." Ben looked up at Rey at that moment. It wasn't pain he saw in her eyes from his harsh but honest words. What he saw was acceptance, and he knew it would have been that same acceptance of knowing her parents were never coming back when she was just a child abandoned on Jakku.
"I appreciate your honesty...but you have always being that I guess. From when you called me a scavenger to...." she couldn't go on, and before she humiliated herself further she turned and left him to continued with his work.
He called out to her, "Don't go too far...scavenger. We will be leaving in less than an hour. You will be briefed on route."
"Off course commander." So the distance between them was back, she thought.

Rey returned to the small shuttle after changing out of her First Order uniform. Ben was already at the controls. Also on board was the Jedi boy. He looked up at her as she walked on board and took the seat beside Ben to be his copilot, saying nothing.
The boy broke the silence, his words innocent and honest. "I didn't think the Jedi could form attachments," he said. Ben and Rey looked up at each other, before returning to the duty at hand. Ben piloting the small ship off the planet, whilst Rey calibrated the shields and waited for the coordinates to be put into the navigational computer before jumping into hyperspace.
This was going to be a long flight, she thought.

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