Chapter One

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The kingdom was in flames as the black death spread across its land. They were an army drenched in all black with weapons, unlike anything the clans had seen. The survivors retreated by order of their King Nolan and remained in the smaller villages of the Nolan clan. King Nolan was left with no choice but to retreat with his wife and two daughters to the only kingdom they would find safety in which was the kingdom of O'Sullivan.

It was a kingdom that few dared to try to overtake for its position was strategic and it had been forbidden by laws of old to wage war on the land. High up in the snowy mountains there were few brave enough to try to overtake it and those who tried died easily from the frost winters that froze them to stone. King Nolan had a history with King O'Sullivan and hoped to seek aid in the coming war that had stricken the Monarchy. He found himself at the feet of one of the greatest clans in the Monarchy, a king feared and named the king of death, his majesty, King Brice O'Sullivan. Brice was a tall man who towered over most of his enemies and enjoyed the idea of looking down upon others. He always wore a crooked smirk and never showed his face without his two sons by his side in the presence of other royal people of the monarchy.

His two sons were 19 and 17 both men in the eyes of the kingdom and both shared the same demeanor as their father. The younger although had not been as lucky to have the height of his elder brother and father but few had the nerve to try to look Archibald the wicked in the eyes when speaking to him. Although he was a short young man his demeanor radiated his clan's power and influence throughout the kingdom. For this reason, King Nolan rode with his family and guard to castle O'Sullivan and put himself at the mercy of the largest army in the land. He looked upon King O'Sullivan with mercy in his eyes as he spoke kindly to the king who shared a long history and feud with his own clan.

"My lord, the honor of your castle is without question. My land has been burnt, my castle destroyed. It will take many nights to rebuild, what I have lost. For those reasons I request your aid for my wife and daughters protection-"

King Nolan grows quiet as King O'Sullivan shifts in place and looks to his two sons each sitting beside him. He scratches his chin eyeing over King Nolan as King O'Sullivan comments.

"What a pitiful sight you are Nold to come here of all places begging for your family's safety-"

King Nolan steps forward interrupting the other king as he looks over the tall man covered in expensive attire and dotting a dark black crown made of the rocks of the very mountain the castle sits on.

"you weren't there, you didn't see those savages, the weapons they had, the things they did, my lord-"

King O'Sullivan laughs to himself looking over King Nolan in his messy attire. Nolan was a tall man as well as were most kings in the monarch. The older man was aging well and still looked quite young, unlike King O'Sullivan whose hair had begun to grow grey with the stress of his own kingdom. King O'Sullivan leaned forward eyeing the King who had caused him many years of misery and begun to mock his begging.

"Your lord, your lord? I can see what this is Nolan. You've been defeated and you are crawling to the only person in the kingdom that you know those monsters won't attack."

King O'Sullivan pushes himself up to his feet and his sons also rise. The King looks to his two young sons and motions back with his hands waving his sons down

"Now boys, not necessary, this doesn't require your aid."

His sons lean back both sitting in unison into their seats as King O'Sullivan smiles to himself and motions down to the floor as he speaks to King Nolan. The floor is shining in old brick and is not as glamorous as the Kingdom floors of the Nolan's which is easily recognized by the Nolan clan. It represents the many years of repression the O'Sullivan clan had been put through at the hands of the Monarchy it once ruled.

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