Chapter Seven

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Sailione Crane stands looking over the two bodies and remains quiet as she asks.

"my mother?"

Archibald looks over the two bodies and back to Sailione as he nods to her.

"I sent men to retrieve the corpse. It should lay somewhere along the road to the city. However, her head may be missing."

Archibald smiles and Sailione glares to him as he rolls his eyes commenting.

"my love don't act so sentimental towards that hideous woman. The one thing my brother did right was beheading her"

Sailione laughs a bit and he stares to her commenting.

"I must say you have anew glow to you perhaps it's not being in crane territory anymore?"

Archibald looks over Sailione who stares to him and then to his brother's corpse.

"is the old blade that powerful that it can grant immortality to its user Archer?"

Archibald looks to Sailione and smiles.

"aye it can but my brother was careless he overused it and let it consume him. A true wielder knows when to put the blade down. Edmond was a fool, he was never that bright, to begin with and not as good with a blade as me, yet father favored him."

Sailione grips Archibald's hand and whispers to him.

"could you wield it?"

Archibald looks over Sailione and whispers in her ear.

"I already have like all the men in my family for the past 200 years. It's the blade of a king Sailione but only wielded for show, never for use, it's forbidden."

Sailione smiles and turns to Archibald questioning as she looks over his brother's corpse sadly.

"but if used right you could be immortal, no one would dare fight an immortal king. If you were to find the blade Archer you could rule the entire monarchy. No one would question you, they would fear you-"

Archibald interrupts her gripping her neck tightly with his hand whispering to her.

"A coward relies on such things Sailione my army is strong; my people are strong. We do not need such a weapon and you should hold your tongue speaking of such things. Look at his body Sailione, what that blade did to him."

She eyes Edmond's rotted body and Archibald stares it over as he comments to Sailione.

"I am strong without such a sword. If I wish to conquer I can do so but that is not this clans purpose. We guard the secrets of old and this kingdom is protected by those secrets."

He releases his hold on her neck and nods his head commenting.

"if you wish to be my wife still you will learn your place and this clan's purpose. we follow the ways passed down to us as guardians. The crane wars started because your father tried to steal those secrets, Sailione."

She looks to him and he nods to her commenting.

"We do not fight wars without purpose and we are not conquerors, nor will I ever allow this clan to be that."

Sailione looks at the corpses and to Archibald as she bows her head.

"aye, I am sorry Archer I let my thoughts get the best of m,e my love."

She grips his hand and he looks down nodding to her as he comments.

"I assume your brother will be returning to crane territory? He is the new king."

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