Chapter Eighteen

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The old King shaw stands there staring down Archibald as he walks down the long shaw hallway. Archibald stops staring around as he comments.

"diamonds, the ceiling is all diamonds..." he stares up seeing the sparkle of his reflection and hears the music as the old king shaw rubs his temples annoyed at his own clan. Archibald turns back eyeing the small band as a child bows his head holding out a flower to Archibald who takes it and stares it over.

"I never have seen such colors."

"most likely not found in the mountains, my king." the boy lowers his head and Archibald stares down the mixed colors and nods back to the young man. he tucks the flower into his pocket and strolls back to the throne. he lowers himself to the throne and comments.

"it's quite small but I somehow feel at home."

the older king nods to the young man.

"I am so glad Archibald, my son in law. after losing my boy I, I have had a hole in my heart but my girl is ready but she just needs a great king." 

"well I demand a great army but-" he pulls out the flower and nods to it with a smile.

"We don't have to lose everything of your son's kingdom." king shaw puts up a small smile and watches Archibald hold out the flower to his wife as he nods.

"let us keep some of your brother alive, for his people." Elizabeth takes the flower admiring its beauty and glances at her husband.

"I didn't expect that from you."

"family is what we cherish in the O'Sullivan's and now the shaws are our family so we cherish what you cherish. if they wish to keep their art, poetry, songs or whatever else then we fight for that." 

"but-" Archbald nods to the older king and comments.

"We need that army-"

Elizabeth whispers tugging at her husband's arm asking concerned.

"May we, may we speak alone?"

Archibald turns his head and motions to her.

"you can speak right here-"

"no, it needs to be alone, please." he nods to her and asks motioning.

"where are the chambers?" she leads him to her old room shutting over the door and making sure no one else is in the listening distance of their conversation as she whispers.

"I, I have been getting ill, sick, for many nights."

"oh? the flu? do you need a plateau doctor? We have the best available or the Galvins I can make a call to Alvis?" he motions to her showing concern for her wellbeing and she shakes her head with a small smile.

"I believe it's well. I believe I am pregnant?"

"already?" he turns his head and she smiles to him as she grips his hands in her own.

"We have been quite busy since our wedding, Archer."

she places her hand over her stomach and comments motioning her eyes up to meet her husband's.

"quite busy."

"Aye, we have."

he nods his head with a smile.

"is that all then my wife?"

"No." she states and speaks softly to her husband sounding worried.

"these few weeks I have known you I can see you are not what the tales describe. you are sweet, kind to me, kind to the people, a good man, even a gentleman-"

"when you ask." he winks to her and she laughs looking down as she speaks softly.

"I want to speak with you openly if I can?" she asks sounding worried and Archibald nods to her.

"you are the mother of my future child. I cannot deny that. so, speak your mind." he sits down on the nearby bed and she nods her head as she softly asks.

"can you not  archer, please do not try and march on crane territory."

"This again?"

"yes..." she sits down next to her husband and grips his hand.

"I want to have more with you. a family, build a better kingdom but I don't want it to be built on horrible things."

"I hear you Elizabeth" Archibald states and turns to his wife and speaks truthfully.

"This is bigger than one kingdom. I am a second-born and my king has ordered me to do this."

"you are not the second born in this kingdom." she states and whispers to her husband.

"Edmond is not the shaw king, you are." Archibald takes in her words and she nods to her husband.

"you can run this kingdom on your terms."  she whispers to him and he thinks over her words but distances himself from his wife as he states sounding angry.

"you are, you are speaking treachery. I would never go against my king, my brother."

"he will send you to your death, to your slaughter. we are not soldiers we are poets, writers, singers, Archibald, my husband." she steps forward and places his hand on her stomach.

"my future son's father. this will be your death if you go there."

Archibald takes his hands away as he coldly looks over his wife.

"you don't have faith in my ability to lead an assault? I am an O'Sullivan! we are the best strategists in this monarchy. I alone at a young age lead the assault during the crane wars. I conquered crane city, me! and I was just a boy but I did it twice."

he takes a deep breath and motions to her.

"and I am a man now, a king now..." he states and the girl nods to him.

"I just..." she quiets herself down and Archibald continues.

"I have no doubt I can conquer it a third time. I will and as a gift, I will bring you my ex-lover's' head."

"you're going to kill her? she bore your child, and you're going to behead her?"

Archibald nods to his wife as he looks her over.

"you are my wife, my love, and my devotion. I will do it to prove to you that you are the queen of this castle, and only you."

the queen turns her head and her husband stares into her eyes going to kiss her but she asks outright.

"do you still love her?"

he smirks inches from his wife's lips and she asks again.

"O'Sullivan..." she asks sounding upset and he remains quiet as she asks again.

"Are you still in love with her?

she grips her husband's hands in hers and he glances to her as he shakes his head no.

"no, I only ever wished revenge on her, on that clan."

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