Chapter Thirty-One

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Lord Crane sits in a chair staring forward and hears a voice.

"My lord, you called?"

The peasant leans down and lord crane whispers into his ear. the peasant stares him over and Crane waves him off.

"do as your lord demands and I want it done by the end of the day."

Lord crane eyes the man, nods his head and walk off. he sits back thinking to himself as he hears a voice.


He keeps his eyes forward and he hears Hannah's voice shake as she speaks.

"I, I am sorry. I shouldn't-"

Lord crane lifts his hand as he speaks firmly.

"you already did, it's too late to be sorry, but a decision will have to be made."

Lady Hannah quickly whispers as she comes up and places her hands on her husband's shoulders.

"I, I could leave, I could take him, and we go, and leave, and it won't be contested."

Hannah gets to her knees and places her hands out gripping the side of her husband's shirt as she begs him.

"please crane, please, Jaxon is all I have, I cannot bear another loss. I beg you I will serve at your feet, bare you a family worth of children. just please do not take my son from me."

Crane nods his head agreeing.

"you are right-"

Hannah smiles and crane smiles to her as he comments.

"you will bare me many kids and they can replace the loss of just jaxon."

He gets up and Hannah's smile drops as she stares at the back of crane's head and remains quiet as she stays on the floor. Crane fixes his clothing and turns to his wife staring her over and recommends.

"stay in here, rest and I will take care of your mistake."

Hannah lowers her head to the floor laying their silently as Crane walks out and locks the door behind him. He motions to a guard, and they stay still outside the door as he demands.

"my wife is not well I do not want anyone to come in and out of this room. I will be back within an hour and until then anyone who tries to enter is killed."

Crane walks down the long hallway and comes to a small room eyeing a man mixing some plants as he asks.

"so lord Crane you have finally called upon my skills. Lord Galvin recommended I may want to be in the city this week. he is quite a convincing man, and he pays his weight in gold."

Lord Galvin walks in commenting as he stares down lord Crane.

"I do, don't I, old man, and I am sure you have just the thing to help my friend?"

The man takes out a small vial and stares to lord Galvin as he comments.

"as you paid for my lord. It should do just what you wish, and ensure the throne is not contested."

Crane goes to take the vial, and Galvin stops him as he comments staring down the vial.

"let the peasants do the work, don't dirty your hands, and trust your gold gets it done."

A peasant comes in, grabs the vial and walks off away from the lords. Lord Galvin watches the peasant leave and motions to Crane who comments staring down Galvin.

"Are we really going to do this?"

Lord Galvin fixes his glove as the old man packs up leaving the two lords alone and Alvis stays quiet thinking to himself for a second as he nods to lord crane.

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