Chapter Thirty-Four

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Lady Bullard shifts under the covers and holds them to her naked body. she sits there staring the two girls at the end of the bed kissing and turns her head eyeing a naked Lord Cullen. she sighs and turns to her side ignoring the girls and whispers.

"Lord Cullen?" he groans and motions to her.

"shut up." she glances eyeing the two girls and whispers. 

"There are two girls at the end of the bed.." he glances up with a smirk and confirms

"seems so."

"can they leave?"

he lays there staring the two girls down with a smile and sighs. Lord Cullen leans forward snapping his finger at the girls and they stop as he motions out.

"you can go eat breakfast now" they stop staring down lord Cullen and one of the girl's giggles out.

"Lord Cullen it is three in the afternoon." 

he turns his head and lifts his arm staring down the expensive watch as he states.

"I guess I slept in.." the girls giggle out humoring their lord and both girls lean forward planting kisses on his lips. they get off the bed leaving as Lady Bullard lays there under the covers. Lord Cullen drops his head down and she stares him over aksing.

"can we discuss my family now?"

"no.." he rubs his temples and turns over as he comments.

"I am hungover.."

the rubs his back gently and he groans.

"What happened last night?"

she rests her head on his arm and rubs his abs with her hand as she whispers.

"We got naked you were so drunk you passed out while kissing me..."

 he laughs out and turns on his back as he stares down Lady Bullard.

"well then.." he turns pressing his body down onto hers as he whispers.

"I am sure I can make up for this lady Bullard.." she stares up to him nervously staring down his body and he whispers.

"Lord Cullen." she says nervously and he looks down aksing.

"you wouldn't deny me, would you?"

"no, no..." she says nervously looking away and she whispers.

"have, have you done this before?" she asks nervously and he looks down with a smirk but frowns stating.

"no."  he leans forward kissing her and she remains quiet as she asks sounding nervous.

"Perhaps we should wait."

"for what? he says pressing against her and she nervously speaks stumbling her words.

"I, I, we will be married in a few weeks and-"

"exactly.." he kisses her pressing to her and she looks up as she smiles.

"you make a good point.."

"of course I do.." he presses against her and she holds him close but he stops hearing a voice.

"there you are." he grits his teeth and whispers out sounding annoyed.

"Galvin..." Lord Cullen tilts his head back and feels the girl's hands grip around his waist as she breaths and he smiles to himself as he motions back.

"leave us be Alvis.." Alvis walks up beside them and nods to his friend.

"the true king demands your presence.."

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