Chapter Three

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King O'Sullivan sits on his throne and eyes his younger son Archibald walk up to him. Archibald kneels and bends his head showing his father respect.

"Father, it is done"

King O'Sullivan smiles to himself and looks over his son

"And it went well?"

Archibald remains quiet and his father leans forward


Archibald goes to open his mouth but hears his brother's voice.

"Ah, father!"

The king turns eyeing his eldest son and smiles looking him over as he comments.

"ah my prince, come here"

He taps the seat next to him and Edmond sits next to his father eyeing his younger brother.

"Am I interrupting father?"

King O'Sullivan shakes his head warding off his elder son's worry.

"Small matters noting to concern my future king with."

King O'Sullivan pats his elder son on the back of his head and motions to his younger son.

"The guests will be arriving soon Archer why not make yourself presentable we don't want a repeat of the last party, aye?"

Archer nods his head glaring to his father and looks to his brother who shrugs and hears his father's voice boom in the empty throne room.

"I said aye Archer?"

Archer nods his head

"Aye father"

Archer gets up and walks by his father hearing the laughter and rolls his eyes as he steps into the hall. He hears yelling from down the hall and wipes his mouth hearing a girl's voice scream out echoing off the walls around him.

"I will do what I want!"

An older woman's voice hushes the yelling.

"My lady, house O'Sullivan has rules and as your overseer, for the days you are here I must advise you not to break those rules as a Lady and guest of the house."

A girl's voice raises, and Archer stands in the doorway seeing Mila pace around the room angerly and listens to her yell.

"I am a princess and I can't even leave this room!"

Archer eyes Mila screaming and interrupts her questioning.

"Perhaps you should act like a princess than, Lady Mila?"

She turns eyeing Archer who grins to her and the overseer bows her head towards her prince.

"Lord Archibald"

Archer walks into the room and smiles to the older lady eyeing over her tattered robes and smiles.

"Overseer Liva I don't think you aged a bit."

The old woman laughs and looks him over in his black attire nodding her head impressed.

"You have grown quite a bit young lord, your 18th year is today congratulations my lord"

She bows her head showing respect and he laughs out waving her off.

"Oh, it's just another year, another boring party and not much change in respect to my father and me."

The overseer frowns as she looks to Mila and then back to Archibald.

"My lord would you like a private ear?"

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