Chapter Eight

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Alvis shifts feeling his back burn with the cuts from the whips and hears a voice.

"The Queen tries to take her throne and ruck lays locked away..."

The whips cracks as the man whipping him informs him.

"she thinks she will rule-"

Alvis flinches feeling the whip crack as the man whipping him speaks casually with him.

"Lord Galvin it should be your throne-" Alvis clenches his jaw awaiting another hit but it does not come and instead one of the peasants steps forward offering him water. Alvias sips slowly and the peasant nods to him.

"a great betrayal-"

"not unexpected..." Alvis comments and the peasant asks.

"you, you suspected Ruck?"

"he is a Galvin. it is  what we do."

Alvis sighs watching two girls come in with wet cloths and whispers.

"What is this?" 

one of the peasant motions down to the cloth in her hand.

"We have been ordered to tend to you."

Alvis lifts his head asking.

"by who?"

"lady Galvin" one of the female peasant's states as she slowly washes Alvis's wounds and Alvis asks.

"the queen?"

the peasant girl laughs commenting.

"no, the young lady Galvin"

Alvis stares forward as he thinks of his youngest sister and closes his eyes feeling his back sting as the female peasant washing his wound comments.

"she wishes to see you after we tend to you. we have orders to escort you."

"what of the queen?" Alvis asks sounding worried and the peasant shrugs her shoulders.

"We follow our lady's orders she asked to see you so we clean you up for her."

Alvis remains quiet feeling the sting in his back and another peasant girl walks in showing him two outfits as she asks.

"which one my lord?" Alvis glances up eyeing the dark blue outfit and shifts his eyes to the other black outfit. He stares down away from the outfits feeling his pain radiate up his spine as the girl demands.

"you should pick!"


"The Galvin color..." the peasant smiles and slowly helps Alvis into the shirt as she asks.

"is it painful?"

"that's a stupid question..." Alvis mumbles and the peasant shifts her eyes away from the lord. he slowly buttons his clothing and the girl looks away as Alvis asks.

"Why does she wish to see me?"

the peasant shakes her head unsure.

"no idea lord Galvin. she just said she wishes to see you so we do as our lady asks."

"against the queen?"

"We are not against the queen we simply follow our lady's order."

a few peasants help Alvis up to standing and he feels his legs shift as someone offers him some more water. the peasant comments as Alvis sips slowly.

"it has been a few days of this. you may be thirsty my lord, hungry-"

"I am fine my people are good to me especially the peasants.." Alvis shifts his eyes to the people around him and fixes his clothing as he motions.

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