Chapter Thirteen

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Tyson Crane sits in a small room and the door opens. He eyes the man drenched in all black and he waves him forward and Tyson follows the man to a large door. The man points and the doors open. Tyson walks in eyeing the man drenched in all black sitting on a throne. He walks forward and eyes the man wielding the blade of old. Tyson gets to his knees and whispers.

"Lord Edmond."

Edmond gets to his feet eyeing over the boy and motions to his guards who leave him alone with Tyson. Tyson remains quiet and Edmond begins talking.

"I had two son's one was murdered during the crane wars. the other, he blamed me for his brother's death, and blamed my clan."

Edmond comments staring down Tyson.

"you remind me of him, of my boy."

Tyson remains quiet, and Edmond looks over the young boy, and motions his hand up for the boy to rise from his feet. Tyson gets up and Edmond nods to the boy.

"I will help you get strong so you don't have the same fate of my youngest."

Edmond's wipes his mouth as he comments.

"The cruelty I do now is to ensure this kingdom survives. the power of the wardens must come together, or everything will fall."

Tyson remains quiet and Edmond thinks of Hannah and he grips his hand into a fist as he closes his eyes and thinks of his son. He opens his eyes again and stares down Tyson as he thinks of his own son and frowns to himself. He shakes his head and motions to Tyson to leave him alone, and Tyson walks out. The doors shut loudly and one of the guards question.

"are you alright lord Edmond?"

Edmond gets up from his throne and motions to the guard.

"send a secure message on my behalf. No one is to intercept it, or trace it."

The guard bows his head understanding and asks his lord unsure.

"to whom?"

Edmond stares down the man answering him.

"Hannah Nolan."

The guard nods his head and takes out a tablet device and Edmond stares him down as he demands.

"transcribe this exactly as I say."

The guard nods his head and Edmond goes to open his mouth, but the guard stops and looks up to Edmond.


Edmond stares down the guard and the guard looks up as he comments again.

"Sir we are getting a new transcribed message..."

The guard stares down the tablet and reads over the message confused not knowing what it means.

"it's about the plateau, someone is asking for transport? What does this mean? The plateau is just a myth, isn't it?"

Edmond grabs the tablet and motions for the guard to leave and the guard stands confused as Edmond motions off.


The guard nods his head, leaving, and Edmond watches the door slam shut as he stares down at the tablet reading over the transcribed message. Edmond smiles to himself and yells out to the room.

"ready my horse!"


Edmond rides his horse through the snowy mountains and comes to a stop at an old helicopter pad. He pushes up his sleeve revealing a barcode and dusts off a pad covered in snow. He scans his barcode, and the light on the device turns green signaling his message was sent. He looks up hearing the distant sound of a helicopter nearby and removes his hood eyeing the helicopter with the symbol of the O'Sullivan clan on the side of it. He smiles to himself as the helicopter lands, and the doors open. A woman dressed in an all-black suit stares out at the man and jumps out landing in the snow as she curses to herself. She shakes her head and walks up eyeing over Edmond and takes out a device as she motions.

"Stand still Edmond."

He stands still and her device scans him as she glances over the results. She sighs to herself and looks back up at him questioning.

"What is the purpose of this visit to the plateau?"

Edmond coughs loudly as he shakes his head and the woman nods her head understanding.

"medical it is..."

She clicks a device and it lights up green as she looks up to Edmond.

"Edmond you have been cleared for travel. We will drop you into the processing zone where you will undergo scans, get a change of clothes, and we will give you access to the O'Sullivan accounts."

The woman motions into the helicopter, he enters and she does the same behind him closing the door. She motions to the pilot and yells out.

"take her up!"

Edmond stares out the window and the woman comments.

"It has been a few months since the mainland heard from your clan. We got worried that something happened."

The helicopter jilts a bit as the pilot comments.

"A missile was detected seems like a false alarm."

Edmond remains quiet as the woman reaches out and places her hand on his leg and comments.

"I am sure your son will be happy to see you again."

He doesn't reply and the woman asks.

"his mother isn't with you?"

Edmond stares out the window watching the land get further away as he thinks of his son and then Hannah.

"It was required we wipe Hannah's mind after the last time. The crane wars were a lot for her, but I know keeping Jax safe on the plateau is what is best for him. He shouldn't grow up in that, no child should."

The woman nods her head agreeing as she asks.

"Then I assume that is why you came here? You plan to summon the wardens?"

Edmond nods his head.

"I am going to call a meeting of 8, it is the only way to ensure our future."

The woman stares down at her device and motions to the window.

"Sir, the plateau is now in view..."

Edmond stares out the window at the large stretch of land with skyscrapers and smiles to himself as he comments.

"the time of the monarchy is dead...."

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