Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Alvis eyes the robotic hand and hears the voice.

"Sir, that is a state of the art prototype only the best for a Galvin..."

The AI walks up to his side and eyes the hand and Alvis closes it into a fist as the AI asks.

"It must be great sir to be home."

Alvis remains quiet and the door to the room opens as Princess Galvin walks in and motions to the AI.

"leave us robot."

The Ai bows his head and walks by the princess but stops behind her and glances to Alvis for a quick second but leaves quickly. Alvis pulls over the dark glove covering the robotic hand and Princess Glavin comments.

"I had no idea father was going to cut your hand."

"don't lie." Alvis squeezes his hand shut feeling the power and smiles as he stares it down.

"don't lie, sister, I am very aware of the situation I was in and the benefit it had to you."

Alvis pushes on his navy robe and Princess Glavin eyes the clan symbol on the back of the robe and comments.

"You can't blame me I needed to make sure you knew your place, Alvis."

Princess Glavin stays a bit away from her brother as he lets out a low laugh.

"My place? Sister, my place is-" He stops himself watching his words and turns to his sister.

Princess Glavin smiles as he bows his head and states outright.

"by your side ensuring your reign runs long."

Alvis stays still and Princess Galvin walks to his side as she whispers.

"you are my brother Alvis and you must agree that father has become unwell."

"unwell?" Alvis raises an eyebrow at his sister as she smiles fondly at the younger man.

"yes he is quite ill, isn't he? A sick king well I bet a reaper would agree that a sick king is really no king at all.."

Princess Galvin plops down onto Alvis's bed and stares down the reaper as she demands.

"I wish him dead."

Alvis remains quiet and Princess Galvin speaks firmly.

"I may not have the pull but with the reapers behind me the throne would be challenged."

Princess Galvin places her hand on Alvis's back and whispers.

"I can give you more power a title Alvis things father wouldn't."

Alvis remains quiet and Princess Galvin runs her hand on his back as she whispers.

"think it over we will not marry till week's end I expect your answer by our wedding night."

She turns leaving Alvis and he hears the door shut over as the Ai speaks.

"Sir, is everything alright I sense a spike in your blood pressure?"

"fine, can you please leave me be."

the robot nods his head and leaves Alvis alone as he thinks to himself.

He turns walking out the door and down the long hall as the Galvin guards bow their heads as he passes them by. Alvis walks into the throne room eyeing his father over and gets down to one knee as he announces.

"a reaper has been called to your throne."

"what?" Dorian's voice grows low and he motions out to his guards and they leave the room.

Alvis remains quiet and repeats.

"Princess Galvin believes your throne should be contested, my lord..."

"and you?" Dorian asks.

Alvis glances up to his father and stares him over but he nods to his father.

"never, you are the true king as a reaper it is my job no matter the outcome to report the fact to the king. I am simply reporting facts."

"then reaper I have a job for you."

Alvis keeps his head bowed and Dorian walks up to him as he motions up and Alvis gets to his feet. Dorian stares his eldest son over and asks.

"How would you like a title son?"

Dorian places his hand on his son's shoulder and smiles to him as he comments.

"your sister has been hot-headed I love her dearly but calling the reapers upon me? Acting like a child in my monarchy is unacceptable..."

Alvis remains still and Dorian nods his head.

"so then Prince Galvin I recognize you and I demand you take your wife on your wedding day and do what you please and son you make sure she gets my message. when you are done I want her body dragged to the torture rooms and she will get my message very clearly."

King Galvin slams his hand down on his son's shoulder.

"show her the power of the reapers and why no one in this monarchy fucks with the Galvins...

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