Chapter Thirteen

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Alvis walks down the long hall and unlocks a door and enters the room eyeing his sister pacing back and forth.  she stops glancing up to her brother.

"you are back...." Alvis nods to her and she asks voice shaking.

"the vote, Alvis tell me what happened with the vote?"

Alvis stands there still and his sister asks sounding upset.

"tell me!"

Alvis lowers his voice.

"I'm not here to discuss the vote."

the queen stands there eyeing Alvis move aside and two men step in as Alvis comments.

"you are being sent to the plateau."

"the plateau, but why?"

"the best political move for the king would be your death but Ruck is foolish."

"he won't kill me?" The Queen smiles and Alvis nods to her as he motions to two men in white suits.

"you have been exiled to the plateau where you will live out the rest of your days"

"freedom?" The queen says sounding happy and Alvis smirks as he lowers his voice.

"oh, you misunderstand. your service will be forever to the Galvins as a peasant sweeping floors, doing laundry and dishes..."

The queen turns her head and Alvis walks up to her with a smile and eyes the look of shock on his sister's face as he tells her.

"your title has been stripped. you will be shipped to the Galvin estate on the plateau and work there..."

"I am the queen!"

"do not worry sister you will not remember it..." Alvis smirks and turns back to his sister as he nods to her.

"your memory will be wiped upon your entrance. the true king demands it."

"he is not a king Alvis. he is a peasant, a bastard-" Alvis lets out a small laugh and motions to his sister.

"The only true bastard in this family has always been you sister..." Alvis lowers his eyes staring down his sister and she turns her head as she comments back.

"It takes one to know one Alvis..." She smirks up to her brother and he turns his head as he whispers.

"I warned you what would happen if this proclamation went to the table. you angered the elders, the old Galvins..."

"I am the queen!"

"Not anymore..." Alvis steps aside and two men wearing white suits enter and the queen shakes her head.


"I will cherish your memory, our memories.  you step on toes and they take action. it is out of my hands." 

"Alvis!" she is dragged away by the two men and Alvis stands there staring around the empty room. he slowly sits on his sister's bed and stares around as he feels his hands shake and hears a voice and looks up eyeing his soon to be wife. She turns her head staring her soon to be husband down as she asks.

"what was that?" Alvis fixes his clothes and motions to the girl.


"do not lie." She comes over and sits down next to him and motions to the door.

"I asked what it was about-"

"Galvin business."

"well, I am a Galvin.."

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