Who do you think you are?

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Zayn was doing his jogging in the streets like he did every morning since he was fifteen. As he past by the big grey house at the end of the street, he crossed path with Harry Styles, that was slowly walking to school.

Zayn and Harry weren't friends. Zayn doesn't even remember talking to him before. Harry was a strange kid that was picked on because he was always quiet and awkward around other people.

Harry looked up to Zayn, not expecting to see someone from school so early in the morning. He tried to hide back his face behind his hoodie but it was too late, Zayn already saw his busted lip and the dark shade of blue under his left eye.

Did someone at school did this to Harry? Zayn couldn't help but feel concerned for the green eyed boy but continued running ignoring the curiosity that filled him. He already had enough problems to deal with, he didn't need to get involved in Harry's life.

Zayn looked at his phone to see a text from his dad telling him he had a soccer practice at four. Zayn sighted, knowing he would have to face his coach once again.

Zayn hated soccer but his dad was pressuring him into the sport. There was no place for negociation. He had to play.

His first class of the day was history. He liked history, it was always interesting and his best friend Louis Tomlinson was also in the same class.

On his way to the class, he saw Harry again. He was now talking intently with another boy with brown caring eyes. Zayn was too far to hear all of their conversation but the boy was obviously upset by the way his arms were moving in the air.

Another boy with blonde hair and blue eyes joined them before hugging Harry tight. Harry's green eyes met Zayn's dark ones at this moment.

Embarrassed that he was caught staring, the older boy continued walking to his class. He was happily greated by Louis once he reached his desk.

- Did you heard about the coach?

Zayn's pulse increased when Louis mentionned coach Carter.

- No... What?

- Apparently, he is having an affair with a student. Nick said he heard noises coming from his office last week.

Zayn did his best to keep a straight face when all he wanted was to hide under a rock until he die.

- Imagine how disgusting it might be to have sex with him. Louis added grimacing.

- I prefer to not imaging any of this. It's probably one of the slutty cheerleader or a teacher anyway.

Louis shrugged and changed the subject. Happy he didn't made thing awkward, Zayn continued talking to Louis. His secret still safe.

At the end of the day, Louis and him were walking to the locker room before the practice, Louis chatting about the next game and Zayn lost in his mind.

He knew that as long as he was with Louis he was safe. Before they could reach their destination, Zayn who wasn't looking where he was going, collided with someone, hard.

Out of all the people he could have bumped into, it had to be Harry.

- Sorry Harry. Are you ok?

Harry moved his head up to down slowly, not saying a single word. Louis was also very quiet suddenly.

- Well I hope you have a good day Harry. We have to go, Louis and I have a soccer practice soon.

Zayn turned around to face Louis who was staring at Harry like he never saw a human before.

- Who do you think hurt him like this?

- I don't know. I'm not his mother.

Zayn was surprised by Louis' interest in Harry's condition. He was usually too in love with himself to acknowledge people around. Compassion wasn't his best quality.

After the practice, the coach urged Zayn to stay because he had papers for the next tournement to fill. Zayn knew that was a lie but he waited anyway. He couldn't afford the serious blackmail the coach had on him to refuse.

- I have been waiting for this all day, Z.

He said, his breathing getting faster on Zayn's neck. The teenager was totally terrified by the proximity the of the man behind him.

- Please...

- Come on Z,  I know that you enjoy this as much as I do.

- I don't fucking enjoy it. You are sick.

In less than two seconds, Zayn was pressed against a wall, a firm hand grabbing his throat.

-  Who do you think you are to talk to me like this, kid? I told you before, if you don't do as I please all the school is gonna know your secret and i will happily find someone else to replace you. What about Tomlinson?

Zayn felt his heart drop in his stomach. He knew that Louis' security was on the line and he would never risk him to get his friend hurt because he fought back. The man release his hand around Zayn's neck, letting him drop to his knees. Zayn slowly undid the ugly man's belt, and did what he was asked for.

That night Zayn threw up everything he had ate during the day and did another line on his calendar. All that mattered was that his best friend was safe and nobody knew about his secret.

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