Don't trust him

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Niall saw Zayn staring at Harry and he also saw Harry waving at Zayn. He was jealous to say the least. Zayn was perfect. Tall, tanned, popular, mysterious, everything Niall wasn't. He didn't know that Harry and Zayn actually knew each other and it was bothering him. He didn't trust Zayn.

Harry was feeling very anxious after school. He was scared to go back home but he knew he had to. He was walking as slowly as possible trying to tell himself that everything would be alright.

Niall proposed to walk him back home but he refused and assured him that everything would be alright. It was a lie once again. He didn't need Niall to worry about him. Niall was worried anyway.

He was half way to his house when he heard someone shout his name. He turned around to see Zayn running towards him. His heart beat increased immediately at the sight of the other boy.

- Hey Harry! I didn't know you were living close to here.
- Well, I am.

He didn't understand why Zayn was even talking to him. They weren't friends after all.

- I was thinking the other day and i realised that we've been in the same class for years and we never really talked before. Maybe we could become friends?

His eyes were filled with hope, waiting for Harry's anwser.

- mmm... Sure why not.
- Give me your phone, I will give you my number and text myself so I have yours.

Even Zayn didn't understood why he was so eager to become friend with Harry. He exchanged his phone number with Harry and they walked together until they reached the last house at the end of the street. Zayn looked around, the house was old and creepy. The grass long and the balcony looked neglicted. The paint was peeling and the windows were dirty. Harry cleared his throat, getting the boy's attention.

- So, i'm home. Thanks for walking with me.
- It's fine, curly. Are you gonna be alright? Or you still need a little company?
- ...No! I mean dad doesn't like when I have friends over. I'm sorry.
- I get it. I'll see you at school tomorrow then?
- Sure.

Harry almost forgot about his dad, smiling like an idiot at Zayn who was walking backward also smiling at Harry. Harry finally snaped back in the reality when he heard the front door of his house open.

- Get the fuck inside Harry.

He started to shake like crazy. His feet were hardly moving from the ground. As soon as the door closed, his dad slaped him right across the face, hard. Harry fell on the floor in the process.

- So you think you can disapear like that for a night, when I told you to come back home ?

His dad grabbed a hand full of hair and pulled him up on his feet. His cruel eyes staring into Harry's scared ones.

- I'm sorry...

Harry choked even if he knew that it was not gonna save him. His dad dragged him by the hair to the kitchen, taking off his belt with his other hand. Harry knew what it meant. As soon as his dad grip was released, Harry crawled into a ball on the floor crying. His dad's hand moved up before coming back down, the leather belt slapping his son.

Harry didn't count how many times the belt hit him but he knew his back was bleeding badly.

When he was finally locked into his room, he saw that he received a text from Niall asking if he was ok. He was comtemplating answering when his phone vibrated again. This time it was Zayn.

From : Zayn
Goodnight Curly.

Harry texted back a Goodnight to Zayn but didnt answered Niall. Falling asleep his clothes full of blood and his eyes full of tears.

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