This one was special

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Harry POV

I was worried for Zayn. Apparently his father didn't talked to him since the day at the hotel. Zayn told me he was ashamed of his son, and it blew my mind to think he was blaming Zayn for being abused.I was in my room silently thinking about Zayn when I heard footsteps coming from downstairs. My heartbeat immediately increased knowing that it was my father. I got up and quickly fixed my clothes. He pushed my bedroom door open, clearly intoxicated by the alcohol, he walked to me stoping right in front of my face.

- So Harry, I heard that you and that little prick, Zayn, were an item now?

- What? No dad, listen...

He slaped me so hard that I fell on the floor. I hold my cheek, trying to ease the pain. Who told him ?

- I'm sorry dad...

- You little piece of shit, you deserve to die. You're nothing but a disgusting faggot. 

I was way too scared to make a move and get out of there so I curled up into a ball close to my bed wishing he wouldn't beat me too badly but god I was wrong. He started punching me again and again until I was almost unconcious. After a while it was hard to breath from all the blows I received in the stomach and my vision was blurry. I was silently praying for the beating to be over. After a while he spit on me, repeating how of a disgrace to humanity I was and he left. I was hurt and I was tired. My face was stained with tears and I every breath was like being punched all over again. 

I reached my phone with difficulty, ignoring the growing pain everywhere in my body. I dialed Zayn's number and he answered in less and two seconds. 

- Harry! Are you ok? 

- Zayn... I... Can I come to your house? 

- Sure! My dad is working at the moment. Come over... Do you need a lift ? I have my dad's car. 

- Yes please. 

- I'm here in five. Hold on Harry. 

I jumped out of the window not without a sharp pain in my chest. That's when I realized that one of my rib was probably broken but it wasn't the first time so who cares. I sit on the side of the road until Zayn's car headlights were at the other end of the street. I stood up painfully. Zayn immediately stopped the car beside me helping me to get inside. 

- What the fuck happened to you Harry? Oh my god, your face is all bruised! Baby... Your father did that? 

- He knows that we are together ... I don't know who told him but he knows and he didn't like it. He beat me up. 

Zayn closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. Without any other word he stepped out of the car, looking so angry. 

- Zayn what are you doing? 

- You stay here Harry. 

I anxiously nodded, knowing that a conversation between Zayn and my father couldn't be a good thing. I looked through the window anxiously waiting for Zayn's return. 

Zayn POV 

I was pissed off. No worst than that I was fuming. How could he hurt my Harry like this? His own son. I knocked heavily on the door multiple times before the man answered. He had a beer bottle in his left hand and he was smelling like garbage. 

- Who the fuck are you? 

- Zayn, you know your son's boyfriend.

I said, walking inside like it was my house. 

- Get out of my fucking house right now. 

- I don't think so. 

On that, I swing my arm and punched him straight in the jaw, making him stumbling backwards. 

- Now you listen to me fucking alcoholic piece of shit. I know that you beat your own son, and I know that the police would be more than happy to know about it. So either you stop, either you go in jail. You are lucky that your "faggot" of a son didn't report you because he thinks you are all he has. If i see one single bruise on him again, I will come here, I will beat the shit out of you and after we will visit the police station together. Got it?

If a look could kill I would have been dead right there but he was too much of a coward to act on what I said. I left the house with a satisfied smile on my face. I drove off with Harry's eyes on me.

- Do you plan telling me what you did exactly?

- Harry, I closed the door because you didn't need to see what I did. Your father isn't dead if that's what you are worried about, but I doubt he will hit you ever again.

- ... How?

- I have my ways.

I winked at him. 

And that's when he kissed me. Sure we shared kisses before but this one was special. It was full of meaning and feelings. It was the kind of kiss someone give you after you save their life and god I loved every second of it. After a while we distanced ourselves, Harry was looking at me with his swollen wet lips, his breathing was short and his curly hair framed his perfect face. His beautiful green eyes were full of lust and love.

- Be mine.

- What?

- Be mine Harry. I don't want to wait any longer. Be my boyfriend. I need you.

I sounded so desperate, but truth be told, I was. I needed this boy in my life.

- Yes ! Of course Zayn.  I need you also. You mean everything and more to me.

Once again he kissed me. This time things got heated very quick. Harry had now moved from his seat to mine, his lower half grinding on me. And that's when I had to ruin everything. I pushed him off me breaking the kiss.

- Harry... I'm sorry. I can't. 

I looked out the window, not able to explain how I was feeling. I wasn't good with words.

- I understand babe. I will wait as long as you need. After what you've been through, I totally get why it's hard for you. If you ever want to talk about it, I'm here. And during that time we can always kiss, because I really, really, really like to kiss you.

He smiled, showing me is bruised but perfect face, his cute dimples standing out. My heart was getting warmer and butterflies erupted in my stomach. I knew from there that this boy would be my entire life in no time.

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