I won't let him hurt you Harry

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Harry POV

I was waiting for Zayn and Louis to come back to our shared room, the practice was over for more than thirty minutes and they never came back. I assumed that they were probably out for a drink or something. After all, Zayn and I didn't need to be attached to the hip. The door opened but instead of Zayn or Louis, the coach was standing there, sill wearing his football shirt. I examined the man properly. He was tall and slim, his face looked tired and angry. He looked like bad news.

He removed his shirt and his pants, casually just like that in the middle of the room. Grabbing a towel in his bag. I was very uncomfortable being alone with him at the moment. He was half naked and he was clearly checking me out with a creepy smirk on his face.

I tried to get up and pass by him but he pushed me against the nearest wall. I was starting to freaking out internally, I mean, an adult was shirtless standing in nothing but his boxers pushing me against a wall, pressing his body into mine.

- What is going on between Zayn and you, Styles?

I could feel him hard against my leg, I was scared out of my mind.

- Let me go. It's none of your business what is going on with Zayn.

- Oh but it is Harry. I've been watching you. I know a lot of things about you. How is your father by the way?

- I don't know what you are talking about.

- Oh but I think you do Harry.

He said, his face way too close to mine. I could feel his breath over my cheek. He brushed his thumb lightly over my  cheek making me flinch.

- So beautiful...

He moaned rolling his hips on my body. I was about to cry when I heard the distinct voices of Zayn and Louis in the corridor.

- This conversation isn't over Styles.

And just like that he pushed himself away from me, and disappeared in the bathroom. I was still standing up, shaking when Zayn and Louis came in. Zayn took a suspicious look over the bathroom door then to me.

- Harry, are you alright?

- Yeah... ugh... Yeah i'm ...fine.

Louis dropped his bag beside me and bold letters caught my eye.

- Who wrote this on your bag Louis?

I asked, getting the attention off me.

- The guys from the team.

He answered with a sad smile.

- I guess that Eleanor talked about your ... well you know.

- Yeah, she told everyone. Sorry Harry but I'll go see Niall now. I need to explain things to him.

He finished. I was sad for Louis and I was still shaken up by the events that occurred earlier. I was a little lost in my thoughts when I felt a soft hand grab mine.

- Tell me. What is wrong. You were alone with him and now you are acting strange.

- It's nothing really Zayn.

- Did he touched you inappropriately ?

His question caught me off guard. How does he knows what the man did? Did he touched Zayn the same way also ?

- And you ?

I said without answering his question. I could see the guilt in his eyes. From there I knew exactly what was going on between them. Before he could talk, the shower stopped. Zayn took me by the hand and drag me out of the room as fast as possible. He pushed the door of the first staircase he could find and climbed the steps one by one to access the rooftop.

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