I own you

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Zayn was so happy that Harry accepted their friendship so easily. When he received the reply from him the day before, Zayn was feeling happy, something he didn't feel for a long time.

At school, Zayn looked for Harry but he was nowhere to be found all evening. He thought about asking the blonde boy Harry is always with, but for an unknown reason Zayn didn't like him at all.

Zayn was staring at the empty seat between Liam and Niall during lunch. He really wished Harry was at school today.

- So... There's a tournament this weekend you remember?

Zayn sight heavily. Of course he remembered. He also remembered the last tournament, and nothing good came out of it. They had to sleep outside of the town for two days and of course he was in the same room as the coach. Zayn lost his virginity that weekend. He had hard time breathing thinking about it. He was feeling so digusting in his own body.

The door was pushed open and Harry walked in. He was walking carefully, like he didn't want to move too fast. His face looked exhausted. His curls were hiding his beautiful green eyes that were glued to the floor. He sat beside Niall without even glancing at Zayn.

Zayn felt something he didn't recognized inside of him when the blonde boy put his arm around Harry's shoulders. He had to look away, he didn't want to see that so he turned to Louis.

To his surprised, Louis was also staring in that direction. His face was red and his eyes were sad.

- Are you alright Lou?
- Sure I am.

Zayn knew it was a lie. Then the worst idea ever crossed his mind, what if Louis had a crush on Harry. Everytime Harry was around, Louis was acting strange. Then Zayn asked himself why he was so upset about Louis possibly liking Harry... Inside of him he already knew the answer but he refused to admit it.

someone put a strong hand on his shoulder. He immediately knew who it was.

- Malik, I need to see you in my office, now.

Zayn gulped on his orange juice feeling like he was about to throw up. Louis was smiling at the coach Carter like everything was normal. For him, everything was. For Zayn, it was a nightmare.

Zayn put his food back in his bag and start walking out of the room with the man. Harry's eyes finally glanced in his direction, his green eyes were quite puffy and red today. Did he cried?

As soon as they reached the office, Zayn was pushed to the wall. He could feel that the man was already hard against him.

- I missed you baby. I've wait all morning to be able to fuck you.
- Leave me alone please.
- Oh no, you have to remember who you belong to. I saw you looking at that loser with heart eyes earlier. You're mine Zayn. You're mine.

The man slided his hand in Zayn's pants

- You like that don't you? The ugly man breath out close to Zayn's face who was close to tears. You should really consider being nicer with me babe or else all the school will know what you did. All school will know how much of a whore you are. How about your dad ? I'm pretty sure he wouldn't like knowing you let me fuck you for so long.
- You raped me... Zayn choked his heart feeling heavy.
- Oh don't say ugly things like this Zayn. Who do you think people will believe? Me or your sorry ass? I own you. Do you hear me?

He pushed his body closer to the smaller boy. Zayn knew he was right, who will believe him. He was just a loser. The man started taking off his clothes. His hands caressing every inch of the terrified teenager. Zayn knew everybody would make fun of him if he says something about the abuse. People will assume that he actually agreed with this. People will think he was in a relationship with the man.

The man turned Zayn around pushing him face first to the cold wall, having his way with the inert boy. Zayn was already far in his head. Thinking about life, thinking about death. Thinking about who would miss him if he disapeared. But then he thought about Harry, the bruises on his face. The way he was limping earlier. He needed to stay strong for Harry. This man could own his body, he would never own his mind.

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