I don't really like you

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After dinner, Niall and Harry were back in Niall's room, the tension between the two was still floating in the air. Niall was so worried that he made things awkward for them. He didn't want Harry to be uncomfortable around him. His heart was telling him he did the right thing but his mind was screaming he did something stupid by kissing Harry. 

- You want to take a shower, maybe? 

- Yeah that would be good. Can I borrow some of your clothes to sleep ?

- Sure! I will bring it to you in a moment with the towels. 

Harry nodded and closed the bathroom door. He took off his shirt and looked at himself in the mirror. His body was a mess, he had multiple bruises all over his pale skin. To his opinion he was so ugly, he didn't understood why Niall seemed to like him so much. He was just a waste of space like his father told him so many times before. He knew he didn't deserve someone like Niall. 

Harry knew for a little while he liked boys so Niall's confession didn't bothered him at all, what surprised him the most was the fact that Niall liked boys also. He never thought his friend would be .... gay? He always thought he was the only one in school having these thoughts about boys and out of all people, he was happy that Niall was the one to be like him. He felt less lonely, less strange but did he liked Niall enough to go further with him? He didn't know. Sure the boy was very attractive, but Harry wasn't in love with Niall. Maybe love would come with time? 

Harry heard a noise behind him making him jump out of his skin. He was lost in his thoughts and didn't realised that Niall knocked on the door three times before getting in. Harry did the best that he can to hide his shirtless body from his friend but it was too late Niall already saw the bruises. Like the gentleman he was, Niall didn't say anything about it. He didn't want Harry to feel uncomfortable about his body. 

- I'm sorry Harry, I thought you were in the shower. He said a little flushed. Here you go. He added, puting the clothes and the towels on the counter. I'll be waiting for you outside. He finished before leaving his eyes glued to Harry's chest. 

Despite the too many bruises lingering on Harry, Niall couldn't help but see how beautiful his body was. After a little while Harry finally left the bathroom, now dressed up in a white T and pjs bottoms. His hair were wet and small droplets were falling on his neck making his skin glittering under the soft light of the room. He was simply a piece of art to Niall's eyes. Without thinking any further, Niall moved forward making Harry's back hit the wall behind him. 

- You are so handsome Harry. Can I kiss you again? For real this time? 

Harry slowly moved his head up and down. Immediately he felt Niall's lips on his, the kiss was soft and passionate, at least for Niall it was. Harry on his side didn't felt much during that kiss, he was just nervous he wouldn't kissed Niall the right way. He enjoyed the kiss but not as much as he thought he would. He pushed that thought in the back of his mind, concentrating on the handsome boy that was kissing him.  Finally Niall stepped back, letting Harry breath. 

Feeling the nervosity of his friend, Niall hugged him tight. 

- I care a lot about you Harry. 

- I care a lot about you also Niall. 

- We share the bed tonight?

Harry's eyes went wide at the proposition. 

- Don't worry I won't make a move on you. I thought maybe it would be nice to just snuggle together. 

Being lacking human contact for so long, Harry accepted. 

The day after, Niall was all smile and Harry was confused and terrified. He knew he had to go back home after school and he knew that he would get hurt. He didn't told Niall about it so he wouldn't think it was his fault for asking Harry to stay over the night. 

After parking his car, Niall gave one last kiss to Harry on the lips before stepping out. Both boys thought they were alone in the parking but Harry spotted Zayn who was smoking a cigarette, his back against a black Range Rover. He was staring at Niall's car and Harry knew he saw them kissing. Harry ignored the feeling in his stomach when Zayn gave him a small wave. Harry waved back trying to be discreet about it in front of Niall. Harry kept his eyes on Zayn from the distance as Liam reached Niall and started talking with him. 

Harry noticed how handsome Zayn actually was, even more than Niall, with his bad boy look and his thick eyelashes, he was good looking and he knew it. Harry wondered why suddenly Zayn decided to say hi since he never did before. 

After a couple of minutes, a man approached Zayn, unlocking the SUV. Harry recognized him for being the soccer team coach for over two years. They  never had any kind of contact but Harry saw his face multiple times around the school. He always thought the man was a little creepy. 

He observed closely as the man took Zayn's arm, clearly forcing him to sit in his black car in the passenger seat. Zayn's eyes were stubbornly looking on the floor. He had an expression that Harry knew on his face but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. It was unusual to see an adult from school getting into a car with a student. It was very weird. 

- Come on Harry we are going. 

Niall said before dragging Harry inside the school. Harry kept thinking about Zayn for the rest of the day, a million questions left unanswered. 

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