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Hi there!

Thanks for deciding to read this!

I should probably let you know that this story will be written in a few different formats, just as I need to practice different things. I'm legit doing this for practice so if you guys have any feedback or anything let me know.

The chapters will probably also only be shorter. This comes from personal preference, because if you want to read something and you're in the middle of a chapter but it's reeeeeeaaaally long, and you want to sleep it can be quite annoying.

I'm just going to say that although some of the characters in this story are going to be original (even though they are inspired by Supernatural), there are characters such as Sam and Dean which are not my original work. 

This is just me having some fun and doing some light writing in my spare time. To be honest, I doubt I will get more than ten reads lmao. If that. 😂

And I don't know why I decided Kara would be in an American high school, because I am not from America, and I know the education system is very different to mine. But I did. 🤷

I don't mean to cause any offense with this story. So, if you do find something offensive, Sorry, but it was not my intention.

I have blabbed on for far too long now.


Have fun reading!


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