Wait... Where's Jack?

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Cas, Sam and Dean collapsed on the couches across the other side of the motel room. Cas on one couch while Sam and Dean were sitting on the other side of the coffee table, opposite him.

"So what is this about Dean and this girl?" Cas asked, breaking the silence which had previously been hanging in the air like a knife.

"Well Cas," Sam began. "As you know, Dean and I came here because of two strange deaths. Those of Albert Darlinghurst and Cassie Robinson. We thought it was a simple case of demonic possession. Nothing we couldn't handle.

"Then, we went to speak to some of the witnesses. One of these witnesses was a girl, around fifteen years old, I would say. The daughter of Cassie Robinson. Now, when we first met this girl, we did our old FBI routine. But she saw right through it.

"So we told her who we really are. What we really do."

By this point, Cas had unknowingly moved closer to the edge of the seat. Waiting to see where this story was going.

"Once we said our names, she got up, slapped Dean and ran out of the room."

Cas looked towards Dean, wanting to know if he was alright. Dean did not have time to notice before Sam started talking again.

"Anyway, we walked out of the room, and ran into the Sheriff, who took us back inside the room and told us a few things."

Sam looked to Dean, silently passing on the story to his older brother.

"Yeah so apparently this kid's name is Kara. Kara Winchester."

Castiel sat upright upon hearing Sam and Dean's shared name.

"Winchester?" He asked in a flustered manner, letting some of the green eyed fury from before show. "Dean are you attempting to imply that this child is yours? And if it is, then why do you need me?"

"Look, Cas, yes the child is mine. That actually checks out. The thing is, we don't think Cassie was human. At least not all of the time."

"Why do you think this?"

"Kara told us about her mother. She said that her mother's eyes changed colour often. She told Sam and I that her mother's eyes used to flash blue a lot when she was still alive."

"So you believe Cassie was an angel."

"Well, almost, but..."

"But what, Dean?"

"They would also turn into other colours. They would also turn black."

"That's...not...I didn't think that was.....it can't be--"

"Well it is, Cas." Dean turned with a defeated sigh to Sam, who already had what he was going g to say lined up and ready.

"Look, Cas, usually you are right. We wouldn't call you on a case like this, even if the mother had been possessed. But Kara reckons her eyes change too. She told us her eyes go gold."

Cas looked away from Dean, to Sam, and then back again, his face an expression of pure confusion until the pieces slowly started to drift together. Gold eyes. Jack had gold eyes.

In fact the more Cas thought about it, all Nephilim had gold eyes. Surely though, Dean and Sam couldn't think that this Kara girl was a--

"Dean and I believe she may be a Nephilim."

Cas' thoughts were interrupted as Sam summarised the many thoughts that had been slowly congregating in the angel's head.

There was no way this girl could be a Nephilim. Surely. After all, no mortal woman could survive the childbirth, and Kara's mother had supposedly only died less than a week before. Through was what his head told him. His gut, however, was telling him otherwise.

When the boys were set on something they didn't give up. So he would have to go along with his gut feeling until he was certain his head was right.

"If she has remained undetected for this long then it would be highly likely that only another Nephilim will be able to tell us if she is indeed of their kind," Cas explained to Sam and Dean.

"Great," Dean dejectedly smiled. "Well, all we need to do is get back to the bunker and get Jack down here to help."

Cas looked away from the brothers ad they tried to meet his eyes. He moved his hands to his lap and started to fidget. Fighting the urge to zap out of the room.

"What is it, Cas?"

"There may be a slight issue with getting Jack here Dean."

"What do you mean?" Sam interrupted, in his usual style.

"Jack may or may not have run away."

~Sorry for the wait since my last update guys. I've been studying for my yearly exams (which are this week) and I've just kind of neglected my stories. I usually wouldn't study as much (or at all lol) but I'm in year 10 so my exams this year actually kinda matter for the first time ever. Pls comment and vote and I hope your enjoying this story!!!! Have fun kids -T

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