I would walk 500 miles

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Only a split second passed before Cas entered the room with a faint fluttering of wings.

Ignoring Dean, he turned straight to Jack. Engulfing him in a suffocating hug just as the two brothers had done not even ten minutes before.

"You had me worried sick, Jack. Never run off like that again. Do you understand?"

"Yes Cas, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry."

Cas stared into Jack's eyes, trying to read the emotions in them, and his face softened, until he was looking at Jack with a small smile.

"I know, Jack. No need to apologise. Just... Don't do it again, okay?"

Jack smiled. "Okay."

With that, Cas turned to the blonde girl standing at the side of the room. Not moving, not talking. Just staring at Cas with a quiet sense of awe. He walked over to her, and held out his hand.

"You must be Kara. I've heard a lot about you."

"Not too much I hope," she chuckled to herself. "You must be Cas."

She took his hand and shook it. As their palms connected, she felt a warmth spreading throughout her body. That same sense of power she used to have when--

She pulled her hand out of his grasp, but it was too late. She gasped and turned around to face the wall. Shutting her eyes as she felt them glow gold. Not wanting the others to see her for what she truly was. She had just found her father. She didn't need to lose him.

And Jack. What would Jack think of her if he found out who she truly was? No, what she truly was. She felt the gold leaving her eyes, the burning cease as the overwhelming surge of power receded. She pretended to wipe a tear from her eye, and turned back around to see a very stunned Cas and Jack, and the Winchester brothers only vaguely noticing her, off in their own conversation.

Cas and Jack stared at her- no, stared just past her, with amazed looks on their faces. She turned to look past her shoulder, expecting to see something on the wall behind, but instead saw a giant, black wing protruding from her shoulder. And with that, she let out a blood-curdling scream.

~Yo so guys soz that this is really short and not really up to my usual standard. I usually would've waited to update until I had a longer chapter, but I don't honestly know when the next time I will update will be. I've got some stuff that I want to figure out, and once I've done that, I'll have my head fully back in the game, but until then, yeah. I'll try update, but no promises sorry. If you are liking the story pls vote and comment, any feedback is welcome. And also feel free to checkout my new story, Eden. Have fun kids, -T

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