Green Eyed Tiger

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This was not the first case where Sam and Dean had left Cas and Jack back at the bunker in Lebenon, Kansas. There had been many a time when the brothers left them behind, wanting to go on a case like the old days.

When all they had was each other.

When it was just the two of them against the rest of the world.

The good old days.

The simpler days.

When they went on these 'milk run' cases, Cas did not hear from them for a few days. So when his phone rung, and Dean's named flashed on his screen, he was very surprised.

But also worried.

The day after Sam and Dean had left, Jack had disappeared. So he didn't ruin their case, Cas hadn't said anything. If Dean asked how Jack was doing, what would Cas say?

Castiel eyed the phone as it continues to ring. But unable to keep Dean waiting, he picked up.

Cas: Hello Dean

Dean: Hey Cas

Cas: You never ring me when you're on a case with Sam. Something must be wrong. What happened?

Sam: Nothing's happened. Don't worry.

Cas: Oh, Hello Sam

Sam: Hi Cas

Cas: And Sam, you should know that you never ring on these cases. Not even for near death experiences. So stop treating me like a babysitter for hire, and tell me what is wrong.

Dean: Cas, we don't--

Sam: (whispering to Dean) We kinda do

Dean: Look Cas, something has popped up and we don't think this case is the milk run I thought it was. Sam and I need your help on this one.

Cas: I don't understand

Sam: We met a girl, and we think that Dean and her are connected--

Cas: Girl? Who? Where?

Dean: Whoa tiger easy on the jealousy

Sam: As I was saying, we think her and Dean are connected by blood. But we're not sure. We need your help.

Cas: So you want to know if this girl and Dean are ... Connected by blood? Why does that matter?

Sam: We think--

Dean: He thinks

Sam: Fine. I think that angels may be involved.

Cas: Where are you?

Dean: Cape Girardeau, Missouri

Within seconds, Cas was standing opposite Sam and Dean. Still holding his phone to his ear, and quite unsure as to what he should do next.

Cas: I'm here

Dean: I can see that

Cas: I am going to hang up now

Dean: Okay

Cas awkwardly hung up the phone, as Sam and Dean stood stock-still.

Despite having lived around Castiel for a while now, neither of them were yet used to his sudden appearances, or the socially awkward way he acted. Although that could be fixed. As Dean had found out.

Sam was the first one to move, only because Dean and Cas wouldn't stop looking at each other.

"Guys, let's have a seat. Then we can fill you in, Cas."

Sam gestured towards the lounge in the corner of the room, and Team Free Will took their seats.

~Welp I actually managed to update today. Sorry this chapter was bad. I hope it's okay, but eso si que es. Lol have fun kids.    -T

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